3- Team Bonding

588 28 7

Robin B-0-1

"What took you so long man? We've been waiting," Kid Flash said speeding up to Robin as he stepped out of the zeta tube.

"I know how pleasant the smell of sweat and blood is, but I figured the smell of Ocean Breeze would probably be better for 'Team Bonding'," Robin responded.

"Ugh, fine. But it's a good thing that you're wearing your civies because this Team Bonding is strictly no training. Just good old bonding."

"Strictly no training?" Robin asked, raising his eyebrow.

"It's the only way I could get Canary to agree that we need Team Bonding Time. That way it's not just some other training exercise, it's actually the team bonding together."

"Sure," Robin said skeptically as he walked towards the living area.

"Robin! You're here! Now Team Bonding can start!" M'gann shouted, clapping her hands happily.

"Great," Conner said, rolling his eyes.

"So, Team Bonding? What does that even mean?" Robin asked, sitting on the floor so he could lean on the sofa. 

"I have no idea," Conner said from his seat next to M'gann on the sofa. 

"So let's get this bonding party started!" Wally yelled, speeding into the room, eating a sandwich and hopping on the sofa behind Robin.

"So now what genius?" Artemis asked from a chair nearby.

"Umm, bonding?"

30 minutes later

"So if Batman has mastered everything, does that mean that he is some sort of master dancer?" Wally asked.

"Um, duh. He's only the best dancer I've ever met," Robin answered, sprawled on the floor. 

"So have you challenged him to a dance battle or something?" Wally asked.

"Well, I wouldn't call it challenging, more like... destroying completely!" Robin said, grinning.

"Please, I could beat you," Wally said, rolling his eyes.

"Really? You do know that you are talking to The Dancing Queen right?"

"The Dancing Queen!?!" Wally yelled laughing histarically, "You didn't even change it to King?"

"Well if the Queen is a better dancer, then I'm not going to change it to King just to match my gender! I am the best! I won't drop my mantel to King just to make Dancing weaklings like yourself happy," Robin said, making the whole team laugh.

"Okay then, madame, shall I have this dance?" Wally asked with a fake British accent.

"Ha. Ha. You wish," Robin said, shoving Wally's extended hand away.

"What's this? Did The Dancing Queen just forfeit a challenge?"

"Don't be ridiculous, The Dancing Queen has postponed the challenge due to injury," Robin said with a smirk.

"Okay, well if there isn't gonna be some sorta dance battle, then what are we gonna do?" Rocket asked from her seat in a far chair. 

"Yeah, if training isn't allowed, there isn't exactly lots to do around here," Zatanna said, sitting next to Rocket.

"Here's an idea," Superboy said, and he flipped on the t.v. and started flipping between channels.

"Mamamia! You've burnt the ravioli-" click "But Daddy I loved him-" click "And we'll have a cold front coming from-" click "Kiss me baby-" click "That's right! Only $29.99-" click "Thanks to the Wayne foundation's generous donation the -" click "You heard right! Haly's circus is-" click

"Woah, go back one," Robin said sitting up. 

"This one?" Conner asked, switching the channel back. 

"Come on down now! And don't miss Haly's Traveling Circus! Only for one week starting tonight, you can catch the best acts of the world! So come on down and join us in the Central City Fair Grounds!" the commercial yelled.

Wally looked over at Robin sitting there, staring at the television which had switched back to the t.v. show that was playing.

"You wanted to watch the circus commercial?" Conner asked.

"Wait, wasn't that the circus that we joined for a little while back in Europe?" Artemis asked, sitting up more. 

"Uh, yeah," Robin said, quickly trying to cover his moment of distractedness. 

"Oh! We could go to the circus!" M'gann yelled. 

"What?" Wally said, looking back and forth between Robin and M'gann.

"Yeah! It would be cool to watch the circus, right? I mean for fun. For bonding! It could be so cool, we've already sort of seen it, but we didn't really get the whole 'trip to the circus' fun!" M'gann said, getting excited. 

"You might be on to somethin' girl," Rocket said.

"It could be fun," Zatanna agreed.

"Oh I'm in," Artemis said, looking at the rest of the team. 

"Ok," Conner said crossing his arms.

"It could be, enjoyable," Kaldur said, nodding.

Wally looked at Robin and tried to catch his eye contact.

"Well? Are you guys in or what?" Rocket asked, looking at the two.

"Uhmm..." Wally started.

"Sure, uh, sounds good," Robin said quietly.

"Yeah," Wally agreed.

"Yay!" M'gann cheered, clapping in excitement.

"Then it is settled. Let us go to the circus," Kaldur said. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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