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The stabbing pains in his legs is what woke Higgs up first and then the dull throb of his stomach added to it. He felt like he was going to be sick, his stomach ready to eject bile... but the thought of vomiting only caused a headache. If he had to move his body in any way other than to look around, he feared he would just die. Opening his eyes was already hard enough... Everyone was fuzzy and unclear as he tried to get a bearing on his surroundings and where he was. In the moonlight, he thought he saw something above him and narrowed his eyes to see. He blinked a little at the figure.
"Papa...?" he whispered, his throat dry.
A pair of red eyes opened up and the white figure dropped down beside him, touching his head. The cool hand gave Higgs some reassurance and he smiled softly.
"Don't move around too much, Higgs." Jamison said gruffly. "You have a lot of stitching."
"My legs hurt..."
"Lucus is coming by today to put some salve on them. Other than that, how are you feeling?" he asked softly, rubbing his son's cheek.
Higgs was still under the effects of the laudanum, even if he was awake and so the imported Italian sorbet waffle cornets sprouting from his father's head were quite funny. He pointed dismissively at him.
"Do you often sprout Italian sorbet waffle cornets?"
Jamison smiled. "Only when I've snacked on crumpets after midnight."
A pain shot through Higgs' legs and he twitched, which made things worse and he cried out in pain. Jamison shushed him softly as Higgs clenched the sheets to stifle the pain.
"It hurts!" he cried out, trying not to cry.
"I know it does, son. I'm so sorry that I couldn't be there for you when you needed me most."
"Where's Merida?"
"I want to see... I want to see Merida."
Jamison frowned a little, remembering something about her getting taken in by the constable in regards to the event. It had been at least three days since then. He had been so worried about his son that he hadn't kept tabs on the MIA maid. He hoped she wasn't in jail...
"I'll have to ask your mother. She would know." He lied.
"She helps me when I'm strange..." Higgs mumbled, his eyes starting to droop.
"Yes, she seems to be quite fond of you."
"I can't tell her though... about the cure..."
"Why not?"
"... You... and mother..." he trailed off, finally going to sleep.
Jamison frowned at what he said and touched his face again. He could feel a fever developing and sighed. He went to the door and hissed at the light from the hallway.
"Davros." He snarled.
"Yes, milord." He said, appearing seemingly out of nowhere.
"Where is Ms. Dunbrough?"
"Uh... Last we saw of her she was being taken by the constable."
"Did anyone ever think to check on her and make sure she isn't going to hang?"
"We haven't heard anything about it."
"Higgs wants her home. Find her and bring her back here. What about the other that I asked for?"
"I delivered it and haven't heard any word on it yet. I believe they are still deliberating."
"Find Ms. Dunbrough."


"Ye owe me five pounds." Merida said, holding her hand out of the bars.
The guard cursed under his breath and pulled out five notes, slapping them into Merida's hand.
"Thank ye kindly. I'll just put it over here in the other pile." She said, laying it on another stack of notes.
"Blimey, you're cleaning me out, Scot."
"I told ye not to take me lightly in a hand of cards. Do ye wish to make another bet to try and at least get back yer dignity?" she asked with a smirk.
"I think if I play anymore you'll wipe me out clean."
"Aye, wouldnae want ye wee wife to hurt ye."
The door opened and the constable came in. The guard looked at him and pointed.
"This woman is practically a thief."
"Hey now. If ye be talking like that, they'll keep me here even longer." Merida growled, grabbing her stack of cash. She looked at the constable. "Is there no word from Lord Northumberly?"
"Sorry, miss, but no. Despite what the judge says, if we can't get any confirmation on your master of the house to prove your innocence, we have to keep you here."
"Aye, I dinnae blame them for not coming. Mr. Higgs was in bad shape and Lord Northumberly was verra attentive to his son. I'd rather he take care of his bairn than worry about me." She shuffled the cards in her hands. "What about ye, Constable? Care for a hand?"
"I like my money to stay with me as long as possible, thank you."
"Ye afeart that I'll clean ye pockets out?"
The constable smiled. "I am."
Merida laughed. "Honest man; at least ye ken ye limits."
"Sir," someone said, coming up behind the constable.
"I have a man who claims to be from Lord Jamison Northumberly's home to collect Ms. Dunbrough?"
"Ah. If you'll excuse me, I hope to be right back."
"Best be bringing a key with ye when ye come!" Merida yelled back at him.

To Love A Myth - Book 1: Mr. Higgs and the Maid🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now