Chapter 8- Hope

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"So. What the hell are we going to do? We've got the basic information about the inner circle here, but no one will pay attention to two teenaged girls!" I sigh frustratedly and flop down on a nearby couch.

"I have no idea. How about we go out and get some fresh air? We've been cooped up in the house for so long." Lily suggests.

I perk up at her idea and look at her while beaming. "Great idea! Man, we haven't just walked around for a long time." I stand up from the couch and run to the foyer to grab my boots and coat. Lily does the same and we sneak past the meeting room to not disturb the others.

The burst of refreshingly cold air brings relief to us as we start to skip down the streets. Suddenly, Lily stops. I don't realize it until I'm several feet away.

"What's the matter?" I call. She puts her finger to her mouth and comes to me silently.

"Is it just me, or is it awkwardly silent?"

Then it hits me. We are the only ones out.

"Uh yeah, awkward!" I make a worried face. There must be something going on that's keeping everyone off the streets. Lily motions to me to go off the main road and we run down a small backstreet, careful to stay in the shadows in case anyone is out.

We stay for a few minutes and then we hear hoof steps on the pavement. Our eyes widen as we peek out and see an extremely nice carriage come out surrounded by several mounted guards. The head guard glares at us when he sees our silhouettes.

"What are you kids doing out? It's past curfew!" he demands. Lily and I exchange a look.


"...We didn't know it was that late yet!" I finally manage to think of an answer. The guard doesn't look persuaded at all from our guilty expressions. He steps away from the carriage and tells the driver to stop.

"And what were you doing out here so late anyways?" he asks.

"We were just taking a walk." Lily responds honestly. A noise comes from the carriage and the window opens. A girl's head pops out.

"What are we stopping for?" she questions while examining the scene. "Are you bothering these two girls? How rude!" The guard bows respectfully.

"Miss Gréta, they are out past curfew with no good explanation or note." he says, still bowing. She huffs and tosses her light brown hair fading to a nice blonde at the ends. Another person's shadow appears, a boy this time.

"What is this?" he acts bored and I dislike him immediately. His wavy bronze hair is streaked with blond, and his demeanor comes across as hateful and mean.

"Let them go, mother will be expecting us. The party ended awhile ago!" she orders while ignoring the boy. The guard sighs and remounts his horse.

"Don't let me see you guys out again!" he remarks. The boy inside the carriage stares at us disdainfully and then sits back.

"Hopefully I might see you around!" Gréta smiles cheerfully, wistfully thinking of good company, her gray eyes sparkling.

"Thank you." I say gratefully. Lily nods.

"Who are you, though?" she asks, wanting to know our new "friend".

"Oh, I'm Gréta Aura, daughter of the President Aura. See you around!"

- - - - - - - - -

"What?!" I shriek when the carriage is out of earshot. Lily just stands there and stares at the carriage.

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