Chapter Two: Emily

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Emily laid in bed and stared up at the ceiling. She'd been lying still with her eyes closed for almost an hour, silently praying for sleep to come, but with no such luck. Sleep deprivation added to her alcohol intake should have made it easy. Apparently not. The only thing on her mind was the kiss.

Somehow, by a miracle of God himself and a few glasses of good liquor, she had worked up the courage to kiss Aaron Shore. Emily's lips still tingled from the experience. Every single second of it was permanently engraved in her mind. The electric feeling she felt in all the places his fingers had touched, how he'd grinned against her lips after his hands at her waist caused her to gasp. Just the mere thought of it all sent shivers up her spine. She wished he'd do those things more often.

Emily was beginning to get lost in all of those little fantasies in her head until a more realistic thought arose: What did this mean for their future?

Dating, especially in Washington, was a conflict of interest more times than not, especially when you worked as close together as she and Aaron did. Her heart was telling her that kissing him had been the best decision she'd made in quite a while, but her head wasn't so sure. They were both at least half-way drunk when it happened.

What if she didn't even remember it the next morning?

No, she'd remember it. Something like that was too good to forget.

But what if he'd forgotten it?

No, she knew Aaron. He could hold his liquor and she sensed that he'd wanted it as much, if not more, than she did if that was even possible.

However, the question still remained: What did this mean for them? It was no secret anymore that they wanted each other. As soon as their lips touched they went for it, not stopping until they were both out of breath. But what would they do with that knowledge?

She figured there was only one way to find out. She had to ask him herself.

The liquid courage from earlier was still in Emily's system, and if things didn't work out the way she wanted them to, the alcohol would be easy to blame. Throwing a hoodie and sweatpants on, she mentally prepared herself. Despite having planned out exactly what she was going to say during the drive over to his apartment, her mind blanked when she arrived at his door. She didn't even give herself time to reconsider, taking a quick deep breath and knocking on the door.

The door opened and his eyes widened after seeing her standing there.


A/N: Emily's view written by Amanda.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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