Chapter 10

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Previously in chapter 9

Positive what was I going to tell Harry

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Positive what was I going to tell Harry.
Now chapter 10
I pick up picked up the test this can't be right I can't be pregnant I'm only 18 what was I going to do "simmer did you find out are you pregnant or not"I heard Lou  say knocking on the door I quickly opened the door tears running down my face I didn't say anything Lou Took the pregnancy test out of my hand and looked at it she gasped I looked up at her with tears running down my cheeks

"what am I going to do Lou what is Harry going to say I'm only 18 what about Harry's career what about the fans management what are they going to say Lou what do I do"I said sobbing she took me into her arms "it's going to be OK but you need to tell Harry no matter what happens and what you decide to do you need to tell Harry he needs to know it's his baby to"she said with me still in her arms she was

rubbing my back helping me calm down a little "o-ok c-can y-you g-get my phone for me please it's in the bedroom on the bedside table plugged in So can call Harry"I said stuttering some words still trying to calm down. "OK I'll be right back" she said before releasing me from her arms and heading to The bedroom to receive my phone.

I stood there thinking over and over again of what going to happen what am I going to say to him.

how was I going to tell him.

Soon Lou returned with my phone in her hand "here you go I should go This is between you and Harry"she said handed me my phone "OK bye thank you"I said soon she walked out the door I still stood in the same place I looked at my phone I walked over and picked up the pregnancy test that Lou had put on the table in the living room before she had walked into the bedroom.

I looked at my phone then at the pregnancy test soon I unlocked my phone and went into my contacts clicking on Harry's name then hitting call I put the phone up to my ear listening to it ring before Harry's voice came through "hello love how are you feeling are you feeling any better"he said I almost burst out in tears again "hey. yeah a little but we need to talk so can you come back to the hotel please"I said try my hardest not to cry "yeah sure love I'll be there in like five minutes is everything OK"he said worry evident in his voice

"yeah everything's fine I just I need to tell you something"I said "OK bye I love you simmer"he said "bye I love you too Harry"I said and then I hung up.

===== Time skip 20 minutes===

I was sitting on the couch waiting for Harry when all of a sudden he burst through the door "sorry I'm late simmer but we got mobbed by paparazzi and fans. so what it what do you needed to tell me"he said a little out of breath coming over to me and sitting next to me on the couch "you remember a month ago the night before my birthday right"I said looking at my hands "yeah I remember it was one of the best nights of my life why"he said I looked up at him "well I'm-i'm-i'm""you're what simmer what are you trying to say"he said taking my hands in his I started to cry

"I'm pregnant harry"I close my eyes a soon as I said those words not wanting to see his face "you're pregnant"he said in disbelief and shock "you're pregnant pregnant were going to have a baby that's fantastic simmer I mean of course it's really early but I've always wanted to have kids with you and we've been together for almost 3 years and I promise I'm going to be here every step of the way we're going to be parents I'm going to be a dad I'm so happy oh my God this is so exciting right now"(a/n: see what I did there 😂no ok 😐) he said almost screaming at the end.

"you're happy you're not angry"I said opening my eyes and looking up at him "of course I'm happy I love you so so much why wouldn't I be happy"he said looking at me with a confused look "it's just that were both young and I don't know"I said stuttering a bit "we're going to get through this thing together I love you so so so much and I wouldn't want to have a baby with anybody else because you're the love of my life I don't know what I'd do without you and yes we both young but what does it matter we are in love and nothing can change that even a baby or anybody at all"he said taking me into his arms everything's gonna be OK with Harry.

I think all
that's left to do is to tell fans and management and the boys but right now in this moment with me being in Harry's arms nothing can ruin anything. "I love you so so much Harry"I said as I pulled out of his arms he gave me a big smile then leaned in and kissed my lips I felt his hand go towards my still flat stomach. When he pulled away he got off the couch and Got on his knees before my stomach his hand still there.

He pulled my shirt up exposing my stomach a little then laid a soft kiss on my stomach "hi baby I'm your daddy and I are very excited to meet and your mommy already love you so so much I also hope you're a girl because I've always wanted a girl to spoil.I love you so much baby"he said well kissing my stomach over and over again I smiled and giggled at how cute he is.

He pulled my shirt back down and then stood up reaching his hand out for me I took his hand and he pulled me off the couch we stood face-to-face he wiped away the last of my tears before grabbing my face with both his big warm soft hands and then crashing his lips to mine "I love you so much words can't explain how happy I am right now"he said pulling away from our kiss I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing his lips back to mine.

The kiss was soft and sweet and full of love we pulled away looking into each others eyes "now what do you want to do" he said. "I think we should go to bed it's getting pretty late and you have a show tomorrow and plus I just want to cuddle with my harbear"I said giving him a tired smile "OK whatever you want my love"he said before giving me another quick kiss on the lips and then taking my hands and taking me us to the bedroom he quickly let go of my hand going over to his suitcase pulling out one of his shirts and handing it to me "I know you love sleeping in my clothes and I want you and our baby to be happy and comfortable"he said as I took the shirt from him going to the bathroom and changing into his shirt and a pair of PJ shorts that I had quickly grabbed from my bag before going to the bathroom I came back out of the bathroom to see Harry stripping down to his boxers and then climbing into

bed with me joining him right after cuddling into his arms feeling extremely tired all of the sun "I love you Harry good night"I mumbled into his chest my eyes are getting very heavy but before I could finally completely drift off to sleep I heard Harry say "I love you too so much good night my love good night baby"and then felt his hand creep down to my stomach rubbing it softly and that alone sent me over the edge sending me into a deep sleep.


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Updated on 4/17/2017 word count 1491 writer Zalla

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