Chapter 11

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(Harry's Point of view)

I laid there with simmer still wrapped in my arms I had just woken up about five minutes ago but I didn't want to get up at the moment because it was pure bliss sort of simmer was cuddled into my side my arms wrapped around her my hand lay on her stomach where are unborn Child  is growing.we're going to be parents we're going to have a baby I just kept replaying it in my head I literally couldn't wipe the smile off my face

I was excited but yet I was a little worried about what management was going to say about this they sure as hell weren't going to be happy about it but I know that no matter what they say I'm not leaving simmer or Our unborn child never in a million years they both mean the absolute world to me even if I just found out about the baby yesterday I already love him or her so much that words cannot explain.

I slowly got out of bed as slow and quietly as possible as to not wake up simmer she needed her sleep I mean she's carrying my baby now and I would do everything in my power to make sure they're both happy and healthy.

I set up looking over at simmer still asleep now hugging my pillow I was happy she was still asleep I grabbed my phone and went into the living room and slowly shut the door very quietly before dialing Liam's number. Once I was done talking to Liam.

simmer walked in the room "Who was that"she asked sleep still least in her voice "I was just talking Liam I asked him if he and the boys could come over tomorrow so we can talk"I said she started to walk over to me and once she got close enough I wrapped my arms around her and put my four head against hers pulling her as close as possible to me

"I also made a doctors appointment for you for today at 2:30 pm me and you are going to go to make sure everything is all right with you and the baby ok"I said looking deep in her eyes "OK"she said nodding her head giving me a soft kiss on the lips we pulled away our four heads still touching looking deep into each other's eyes.

(Simmer's Point of view)

I stood there my arms wrapped around his neck my four head against his our eyes staring into each others i stared into his beautiful green eyes twirling some of his curls at the back of his head with my fingers he smiled at me. "Can we eat first I'm hungry"i I asked "of course I'll order some room service while you go get dressed ok my love"he said giving me a kiss and then releasing me from his arms and then picking up the phone and calling room service I walked back into the bedroom and over to my suitcase.

I got everything I needed I decided to wear a pair of jeans and One of Harry's hoodies because it was kind of Cold and it would be easy to cover my head in case we run into any paparazzi or fans on the way to the doctors. Once I was dressed I walked back out harry who was now sitting on the couch I walked over to him and cuddled next to him we cuddled for a few minutes and then we heard a knock on the door harry got up and opened it it was room service with our food.

after we ate we cuddled on the couch some more kissing every now and then Because come on who can resist those soft lips of his we watched a little TV until it was around 1:00pm Harry said we should leave early because the doctors office was about an hour away so harry quickly got dressed and i grab my purse and phone and we headed out the door.

(Time skip to after the car ride and at the doctors still simmer's point of view for now😏)     

Harry and I walked in it was about 2:27 pm so we were a little early I signed the paperwork and everything I needed to and a few minutes later a nurse called my name and me and Harry walked back to a small room with an ultrasound Machine The nurse took my weight asked questions and checked my blood pressure before walking out of the room but not before saying the doctor would be in shortly I sat on the table and harry sat beside me holding my hand

I was a little nervous I kept thinking what if something is wrong but soon the doctor walked in "hello Miss Scott how are you feeling?"she asked "hello I'm a little nauseous but OK" I said shrugging my shoulders "that's normal"she said "I am Dr. Jason but you can call me Dr. Kate and I knew your name from your chart but I don't know the man sitting next to you what's your name Sir"she said shaking his hand "I'm harry"he said giving her a friendly smile "so you must be the boyfriend and baby daddy yes?"she asked "yes I am"he said with a very big and proud smile on his face it made me giggle while him still holding my hand

"well why don't we get started and get a look at your baby ok"she said walking over to the ultrasound machine "OK simmer I'm going to need you to lay down and pull up your shirt in a little bit"she said grabbing a bottle of gel I did what she said and laid-back and pulled my shirt up a bit still holding on to Harry's hand "OK it's just gonna be a little cold"she said she put the gel on my stomach and started the ultrasound moving the tool around my stomach checking everything out before turning the screen around

"do you see that little dot right there that's your baby"she said pointing to a little dot happy tears began to fall from my eyes as I looked at the small little dot that would soon grow bigger I squeeze Harrys hand and looked over at him.

            (Harry's point of view)

I saw it a little Dot that little dot was our baby that was our son or daughter our future I immediately fell in love I held on to simmer's hand As happy tears began to roll down my cheeks in the moment it was absolute bliss I was happy and it all became so real.

me and simmer are going to become parents I was going to become a dad and I was determined to be the best dad I could be for this little baby growing inside the love of my life.
"Harry are you OK"I heard simmer ask I turn my gaze from the screen that held a small image of our baby to look at her "I'm absolutely perfect thank you so so much for giving me this for giving me the best gift in the whole world I love you so much"I said and kissed her hand she smiled at me both of us had happy tears running down our cheeks

"well your baby looks healthy and is growing the way it should you're about 8 weeks along and your due date is May 12"(A/N: haha see what I did there because you know Harry and his ahh you know what I mean. They conceived in September of last year so it makes nine months OK it makes sense I promise 😂anyway🙄 back to the story also it's Simmer's point of view now) she said Handing me something to wipe my stomach as she got done with the ultrasound

"I will print out some pictures and they will be at the front desk for you along with a folder with results from the Tests that we took and the information from this visit because it says on your chart that  your traveling so just make sure you always have that folder and make sure that any doctors you do see put all the information from the visit in the folder and make sure that you at least see a doctor every two weeks just to make sure everything's OK all right congratulations on the baby I hope you guys have a great rest of your day bye now"she said

walking out the door harry help me down from the table and we walked out the door we got all the stuff we needed at the front desk and then walked back to his car.

Once in the car I open the folder and pulled out the ultrasound pictures I looked at them I began to tear up again that was our baby we made that me and harry made that little Dot.

I looked up from the pictures and at harry he gave me a smile and wiped the tears that had fallen I handed him one of the ultrasound pictures "I can't believe that little thing is going to grow into a Real baby but I couldn't be happier that you're the one carrying it I love you so much simmer"he said looking down at the picture and then back at me "I love you too harry so so much"I send leaning over and giving him a loving kiss on the lips. Soon we pulled away and he handed me back the picture I put it in the folder and put the folder in my purse harry then started the car and we drove off

we stopped and got lunch and then went back to the hotel thing thank God no one spotted us that would kind of be hard to explain considering we haven't told management or the boys yet.

Once we got back to the hotel I changed into a pair of sweatpants but still in Harry's hoodie and then me and Harry cuddled on the couch and watch TV the rest of the day.


I hope you enjoyed this part don't forget to comment and vote. love you all 😊❤️

Updated on 4/24/2017 word count 1881 writer Zalla

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