speak now

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speak now

I am not the kind of girl

Who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion

But you are not the kind of boy

Who should be marrying the wrong girl

Ziva closed to door of her apartment. and stepped in the car. she couldn’t believe what was happening.

she arrived at the church. she sneaked in and sees everyone sitting. McGee Abby Gibbs. Ducky Jimmy Vance. even his children were here. why Anthony DiNozzo why?

Ziva walked over to the corner so she could see everything perfect what was happening.

This is surely not what you thought it would be

I lose myself in a daydream where I stand and say

Don't say yes, run away now

I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the backdoor

Don't wait or say a single vow

You need to hear me out and they said speak now

Gibbs heard something from behind. he turned around and sees Ziva standing at the corner of the church. hey what are you doing here. he asked as he walked over to her.

Gibbs I know I have been stupid I just couldn’t stay home. how can tony date EJ.

he really loves her otherwise they wouldn’t get married Gibbs said.

Fun gestures are exchanged

And the organ starts to play a song that sounds like a death march

And I am hiding in the curtains

It seems that I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-be

She floats down the aisle like a pageant queen

But I know you wish it was me, you wish it was me

Don't you?

there stood tony in a tuxedo with a red tie. RED the color of love. tony couldn’t married EJ he doesn’t love her. that’s all Ziva was thinking about.  

EJ floats down the aisle like a queen like she is everything.

when the music starts playing Ziva hide herself behinds curtains. just to make sure EJ doesn’t she her.

Don't say yes, run away now

I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the backdoor

Don't wait or say a single vow

You need to hear me out and they said speak now

Don't say yes, run away now

I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the backdoor

Don't wait or say a single vow

Your time is running out and they said speak now

I hear the preacher say speak now or forever hold your peace

There's the silence, there's my last chance

I stand up with shaking hands, all eyes on me

Horrified looks from everyone in the room

But I'm only looking at you

Ziva walks over to the aisles. everyone was looking at Ziva. Ziva what the hell are you doing here. you disturb my wedding. EJ says.

everyone was looking at Ziva. but Ziva could only see tony why she asked

I am not the kind of girl

Who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion

But you are not the kind of boy

Who should be marrying the wrong girl

Don't say yes, run away now

I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the backdoor

Don't wait or say a single vow

You need to hear me out and they said speak now

Ziva said that and run away. tony followed her at the backdoor of the church.

tony EJ screams. he stops and looked at her

if you are going after her. were done tony I thought you loved me.

I’m not the boy who should be marrying he wrong girl

tony went outside following Ziva. he saw her standing at her car.

he called her name. and she looked around

tears were streaming down her face. why did I do this. I shouldn’t have come. I should of stay home reading book

tony went over to Ziva. he grabbed her arm.

Ziva I’m sorry I should never had proposed on EJ all I know is that I love you

you’re lying.

no Ziva I don’t  all I know is that I love you. no matter what. we all make mistakes would you please forgive me this.

tony I don’t know if I can.

tony moved closer and gave her a kiss. his tongue entered her mouth. she didn’t pulled back. I hope you believe me

I do she said with a smile on her face.

And you say lets run away now

I'll meet when I'm out of my tux at the backdoor

Baby I didn't say my vows, so glad you were around

When they said 'Speak now'

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