together forever

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emily pov:

I woke up halfway through the night for the toilet and Michael wasn't next to me, at first I thought he was in the toilet I got up and knocked on the bathroom door and called for him, no answer. after I went to the toilet I decided to go and look for michael, I walked downstairs and I see a dim light in the kitchen when I get to the kitchen I see michael raiding the fridge I turn the light on and his head pops around the corner of the fridge door

"and what are you doing raiding the fridge mr jackson?"

"I'm hungry, I think I may just go with some pop tarts"

"no, you're not making pop tarts, not having a repeat of last time"


I was getting the movie ready and michael went to get some snacks, I smelt smoke but I thought I was thinking it then the fire alarm went off, I ran to the kitchen and there was a small fire michael managed to out it just as the security guards entered the kitchen

"michael what happened?"

"I was making pop tarts but it went wrong"

"what do you mean it went wrong?"

"well I kinda forgot it was in the toaster"

"how can you forget that"

"I was distracted"

*end of flashback*

"it's been over 10years I won't happen again" he gets the pop tarts out the cupboard and I take them out of his hands

"I will make them, just incase you get distracted again" michael laughed "michael it's not funny you could of got really hurt and burnt the house down so I'm not letting you take that risk again"

"you want to know why I was distracted?"





"so you're saying that I caused you to forget about pop tarts being cooked which resulted in you nearly having no house"

"yep, after you put the dvd in I saw you looking at pictures on the fireplace and I got distracted in your beauty"

"I have no idea how to respond to that"

"can I please make the pop tarts?"

"fine but I'm not leaving this room and you pay attention on the food only"

michael smiled brightly "ok"

michael pov:

I made pop tarts for the 2nd time in my life but it was the first time I did it without a fire, I sat at the dining table and emily sat opposite me

"you want one?"

"no thank you, how can you be hungry at" she looked at the clock "3am, you had a load of popcorn whilst watching the dvd ealier"

I just giggled and finished eating, them we headed back to bed

"anyway what was you doing awake?"

"I needed the toilet and lucky I did otherwise I would've woken up to no house which is worse than being woken up to an elephant"

I cuddled up to her "night emily"

"night michael, no more raiding the fridge ok?"

"ok, love you"

"love you too"

together foreverWhere stories live. Discover now