The Concert Gone Horror

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I wake up a Saturday. Today is the day. I jump out of bed with a whoop as I tie my brown hair in a lovely pony tail. I dress in my best as I can look. I rush down almost falling down the stairs. Because today is a special day.

Tonight I get to go to a one direction concert. I Cassidy one d's biggest fan everrrrrr.

"Cassidy" a voice calls next to me. I look up my mom.

"Mom don't question my love" she sighs at my comment. I grab a bowl of frosted flake. It takes skill to be this awesome you know? I finish my breakfast as I rush upstairs. No one understand my love. I stay in my room singing along with the one direction album until it's time to go.

We get there finally after what seems like hours. "MOM WE NEED TO HURRY OR ELSE WON'T LET US IN!" I complained. We finally get in NAND I quickly rush into the crowd of other directioners. I lose my family I don't really care.

I stop until I stood so close to the stage that I could touch it, but43 I forced myself not to. After the concert, I go backstage because I got a backstage pass too. I skip happily back stage. I breathe in the warm air from the air conditioning.

"We still have fans waiting Zayn" you hear Harry say as the other agree. You sigh and take a good knock. The talking stops. "Come in" Liam says with a girly voice that makes me laugh. You push open the door and come in. I take deep breaths trying to keep your cool.

"Sorry to bother you all but could I get an autograph?" I ask them. Niall looks at me and smiles. "It's on a piece of paper and not on a...body part?" He asks eyeing me suspiciously. "Yes it's on a paper" I say holding up my autograph book. They shrug and sign it one by one. Harry, Liam, Niall, Zayn, And Louis who signs his name with a smiley face after it.

"Thanks" I say hugging it close. I start to leave just as Harry grab my arm. "Where do you think you're going beautiful?" He pulls you close covering your mouth with his hand. "You're not going anywhere." Zayn says evilly.

I try to get out but I just can't. I don't know how I should feel. I hear a laugh, a laugh as cold as stone. A figure appears from the shadows. Cattie stands as menacing as ever. "So we meet again Cassidy" she says laughing. "You might be wondering why I'm here, you see these gentleman are mine I naught them with cold hard earned cash." she whispers I my ear. Harry never let's go of me. I feel my legs give way but he holds me up. "I won't hurt you, don't worry I never would hurt you" Harry whispers. He kisses my nose and I feel like I'm going to faint right then. He doesn't let you faint. He still keeps his hand over my mouth not letting me scream with joy.

"Harry stop fawning over your girlfriend and tie her up." Nail says punching him in his arm. He sighs and grabs a rope and quickly ties me up. He blind folds me and takes me somewhere. I hear a van it starts driving off with me in it. "Hurry up and drive" Cattie screams at Louis. I hear Zayn say something to Harry as he takes his place.

"Hey there don't worry little faun, it's me Zayn. I promise you no one will hurt you...unless we have to and then you won't like it so much." He says threatening me. He grabs my wrist and turns it to a point where pain shots up my arm. "Does that hurt darling, we can do much worse if you don't follow everything we want you to do," Liam says patting your head. "I'm sorry" Zayn whispers. I sit there in silence not wanting to make a sound.

Finally the van stops. They take me outside and untie the blind fold. I let my eyes adjust to the darkness. Trees everywhere like people but more brown and green. "What are we doing here?" I said in a voice so hoarse that it surprised me.

"There's something we need to do birdie." Liam says. So many nicknames I've been called by. Harry walks over and stands by me. He seems to take a liking to me, along with Zayn. Niall and Louis seems to not like me but they don't hate me either, so I guess they're neutral. And Liam short of hates me? That's what I can tell.

"I feel like we should get to know each other" Harry smiles that smile that just wants to make you laugh you know. I shrug at his comment. "How are you little twiddle Dee?"

"Good...well as good as a person could be while being kidnapped"

"Don't think if it that way think of it as you and me going on a little trip"

"Don't forget about me" Zayn says making me jump. I didn't know he was right next to me, I don't think I even heard him walk up to me. I smile at the boy of them. I turn back.

Louis and Nail standing next to each other laughing at something probably Louis said. Typical of him to be funny. Liam hangs back a ways from the group. Cattie no where to be found. I slow my steps and let them pass me. I wait until Liam catches up to me.

"Hi" I said shyly not really sure how to approach his conversation. He doesn't respond and keeps walking. "I see how it is the silent treatment." I sigh and look up at the sky. The sky barely visible. It's blocked by the massive leaves of entrees that stretch way beyond anyone reach.

"I don't mean to be rude but it can't talk to you" he says quietly.

"Why not?"

"I can't tell you"

"That's too bad" he sighs at my comment then after a while of silence he speaks.

"I can't talk to you because I don't want to be your friend, because you're not going to be here for very long"

"So does that mean I'm going to die?" He shakes his head

"No that's not it, it's just never mind it's too complicated"

"Oh so I guess I should shut up now?" He nods looking down at the ground. We walk in silence the rest of the way. I hug myself as the air gets colder. I look down regretting wearing an adorable short sleeve with the words be happy on it. I regret not bringing a jacket. I stare at my jeans then look back up. The stars shine brighter than usual. As bright as the moon, a full moon.

Liam puts his arm over me as he sees me shiver. I blush and continue walking. "Thanks" I say to him moving closer to him as his warm envelopes me like a blanket.

"You're going to get a cold if you keep on dressing like that, it's not summer anymore you know little bird." I smile at him as he smiles back. Suddenly Harry hugs me and pulls me away from Liam.

"You can't keep her for yourself you know Liam. There's something called sharing"

Harry says.

"If you say so but I can't believe any girl that could stand your...everything" Liam says eyeing Harry. Harry rolls his eyes and pulls me away. "You need to learn to share okay I would like to talk to you too"

"Um...okay" I say blushing even more. "Are we almost there?" I ask wondering ow much more we have to walk.

"What's the rush don't you like spending time with me?" He puts his hand I over his heart acting offended.

"I love hanging out with you but I'm a little bit tired." I yawn. Niall heard my yawn and comes over and puts one arm under my legs and his other on my back and lifts me up like a groom caring his new bride.

"Not to worry my princess you can sleep right in my arms." Niall says teasingly. I roll my eyes and lean into his chest. It's surprisingly soft probably his cotton shirt. Zayn comes over and starting stroking my head.

"Hi Zayn" I say to him.

"Hi" he says still petting me.

"Do I remind you of a cat?"

"No I just thought it would help you sleep." I nod. "Thanks Zayn" he nods back as I slowly close my eyes. Sleep is good and falling asleep in Niall's arms is good too.

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