The Good Old Days

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I wake up its 1 pm the same day where I gave up Liam to protect him. I look down still wearing that yellow dress. I sleep a lot I wonder why. I get up and walk around. I hear Liam scribbling something on a piece of paper. Zayn singing call me maybe. Niall and Louis having a pillow fight. Nothing strange. Except for the fact that I can picture what each person is doing perfectly if I just focus.
I walk around the house. The potted plant stares back at me beckoning me to it. I ignore it walking through the kitchen and out another pair of swinging white doors. I walk into a hallway that stretches into a living room. A full screen tv hangs on the wall across from a red sofa with a glass coffee table in front of it. Next to the TV is a white bookshelf with game consoles and video games. On the other side of the TV is another with bookshelf with movies on it.
Even though they're major pop stars they're still boys. I roll my eyes as I run my fingers across a xbox. Next to the bookshelf of movies is a hallway. I walk down the hall way. On the left a ways in is a set of glass doors framed in blue wood. I place my hand on the cold gold handle. A library stands in the room. It's much bigger then any room in this house. I walk inside and look around.
It kind of smells of a barns and noble or a Office Depot I can't tell which, but it smells good.
I wonder around the library. In the very back a mini star bucks with no one in it. A sign hands on a nearby wall. "Help your self to some star coffee" it reads. Not a very good pun. I grab myself a latte a caramel latte to be exact. I add some cream lots of whipped cream. I don't bother putting a cap on it.
I also squirt some whipped cream into my mouth. This is good quality whipped cream. I bring it to a table that sits in the middle of the library along with some other tables. I wonder around and randomly grab a book of the shelf. The cover reads
"Twilight" I open it. Behind the cover in the corner says Louis. I laugh while putting the book back. I walk around some more as I pull out another book. "To Kill a Mockingbird" I've heard about this book. Oddly enough it's not about killing a mocking bird at all. I take it back to my seat along sigh another book called "The Fault In Our Stars" I haven't actually been much of a reader.
The two books have Caities name in them. I'm glad that she's still a book addict. I read the first page of TFIOS (the fault in our stars). "Late in the winter of my seventeenth year." I read to myself. I take small sips of my latte. It burns my tongue but I don't care it's a good latte.
Somewhere while reading I started reading out loud. "There were five others before they got to him. He smiled a little when his turn came. His voice was low, smokey, and dead sexy." I yelp as I feel hands wrap themselves around me. I karate chop the person behind me.
"Is that book about me" the person says rubbing his nose. I turn around Harry.
"Can't I just read in piece and no it's not about you it's about this girl named hazel and they're just introducing Augustus Waters.
"You mean Harry Styles" he smirks at me. I roll my eyes taking another sip of my latte. He kisses my check then pulls a chair up next to me. He sits in it facing me. I look back at him.
"Can I read?" I ask as he continues to stare at me. He nods "I just enjoy watching you read the way your hair falls in front of your face like a veil. I love the way you just sit there calmly like there isn't anything Important to do." He says moving strands of hair behind my ear.
I didn't realize my bangs were that long. I check my ponytail it's coming lose. I fix it realizing that my bangs are long they hang just about to my check bone. I stand up taking the books and my latte with me he follows.
"Do you want me to spill hot latte on you?" I ask as he tries to hug me.
"Can't I just hug my girlfriend like a normal person"
"Your not normal"
"yeah true can't I just hug you like a super famous pop star I am?"
"Fine." I say as he hugs me. A little ways forward from the library is another door. Another glass door framed by black this time. Inside it advance studio and in the corner another door with a long glass window a recording booth. Along the walls of the dance studio are mirrors and a wooden beam. On a wall that doesn't have mirrors are hooks with point shoes on them some larger some the same size as my shoes.
I walk past it now's not the time to dance. At the end of the hallway a closed white door. I suppose this is Caities room since it has a c above the door. I walk back to the living room. Next to the bookshelf of movies the wall another set of glass doors framed by green wood. Past it is the outside.
I suppose this is the front door. It has a stone walk way leading to some stairs. I walk back into the dinning room. Past the kitchen Is a metal door I open it. The garage is filled with expensive cars. I think they're expensive I'm not good with cars.
I close the door. Adjacent to the stove is a cupboard with spices and food and stuff. Next to the cupboard is the basement door. I walk down not really caring is Harry follows me or not. The basement is pretty big.
It's like a full arcade. There are old retro arcade games and coin slots and even air hockey. I stem my books and latte at a nearby lounge. At the very end of the arcade basement a glass sliding door leads to the backyard. There is a large swimming pool a huge trampoline and that's basically it Exocet for the dog and cat shapes hedges.
"That was Niall's idea" Harry says pointing to the dog and cats. Typical Niall I wouldn't be surprised. There is a metal fence surrounding the backyard finishing with a metal gate at the side of the house. There isn't another house for miles, all there is is trees. I go back inside and grab my latte and books.
By the side of the arcade is a door just a door. I shrug and ignore it as I run back upstairs. When I pass by Liam's door I make sure Harry isn't following me I quickly knock on his door 3 times. After a second, he opens it and ushers my in. He checks to see if I'm being followed then closes the door behind him.
It's 3 pm on a digital clock on his bedside drawer. His room is spotless commpaired to Harry's. He hugs me tightly I hug him back never wanting to let go.
"Just a question why we're you dressed so not casual?" I ask since he wasn't exactly fancy but wasn't exactly casual. He's still wearing the same thing at he was wearing when he came out of the bathroom.
"I was going to take you to a fancy dinner, I already made reservations since 2 days ago" he says pausing. What is today Tuesday I think. I look at his calendar yep Tuesday. "But I won't need that reservation anymore i already called and canceled this morning" he sighs.
"Oh I'm sorry" I say not really sure what else to say.
"It's not your fault" he kisses me as if he's far away yet he's right here. I hug him tighter but it feels as if he's getting farther away from me.
"Promise me that there's still a we." He says I nod
"I promise" I say back as we just hug each other not wanting to let go. He smiles and holds my necklace. Phew rubs his thumb over it testing it's texture.
"I see your still wearing it" he says I nod. "Has he found out?" I shake my head. I usually take it off and hide it in a pocket or something. I was lucky hat Harry didn't see it thank you jacket for hiding it. I give him a quick peck on the check as I slip out of his door. I take off the necklace putting it in a pocket on my jacket. I run over to Caities room.
I knock on her door taking a deep breath. The door opens with a creak as I step inside. She closes the door. Her room is similar to Liam we'll the cleanness is.
"So what brings you here?" She asks. I can still see a tiny pink mark on one of her checks
"Just wanted to make sure your okay" I tell her. Deep in my heart I still care about her. I can't stand seeing her get hurt. She smiles nodding.
"I'm okay Cass" Caitie looks so different then she did back then. Her ginger hair is to the middle of her back. It's straight and silky. She's gotten rid of her glasses making her eyes look bigger. She wears contacts now. Her face is beautiful smooth and fair. There are just a few freaked still in her face. She wears a simple outfit. Jeans and t-shirt with the words Caleo forever with a picture of a boy with curly brown hair and a girl with fair beautiful hair. She walks around the room in her bare feet. I look around her room. Everything is white even the carpet. The only thing not white is Caitie and her clothes and me and my dress.
"I heard what happened" I say stopping her dead in her pacing
"Oh we'll that was no big deal"
"yes it is he hurt you you can't let people do that to you"
"I know but I couldn't stop it I couldn't stop him" I put a reassuring hand on her shoulder
"Hey now he's not going to hurt you I promise I'll makes sure he doesn't hurt you every again" she nods looking relieved but still worried. I stare at myself in a near by mirror. I dislike mirrors but this is a exception. I've changed a lot too. I'm still the same me with brown hair as long as Caities.
The curve of my nose to the color if my eyes nothing looks different except for a light shade of black under my eyes. I run a finger across my high cheekbones. My brown eyes sparkling. I look back at Caitie who's sitting next to me.
She looks back at me with her blue grey colored eyes. She doesn't appear to have any black under he eyes from lack of sleep good for her. "don't worry okay I have everything under control he won't hurt you now he won't hurt anyone now"
"How?" She asks.
"because I'm back with him"
"As in together together?" She asks confused. I fill her in on everything that's happened between me and Harry and Liam.
"Oh I get it" he says after a while. I nod
"Yeah so that's that"
"Thank you"
"It was nothing really" I say even though it's everything.
"I could never do that. Just go back to someone you don't want to love because you had too"
"It was my own choice." I say sharply as we sit there I silence. I stand up running my hands along the side of my dress checking for wrinkles.
"That looks nice on you it brings out your figure" she says making a hour glass kind of figure. I laugh at the representation of my curves.
"No more like this" I say making a giant lumpy figure resembling Lumpy Space Princess from adventure time. She laughs almost falling off the bed. It's like the good old days.
"Yeah exactly like that" she agrees.
"Are you calling me fat?" I ask pretending to be offended.
"No I'm calling you lumpy" we laugh together. I sometimes wish I had a laugh like hers. It's so perfect now. It's like how one of those popular girls laugh but not quite. It has some flaws which makes it unique. As for my laugh I think I found like a dying walrus I don't know what my laugh sounds like.
I open the white door then close it behind me. I look back at the white door. I just hope I didn't leave a stain in her room.

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