Chapter One: New Kid in Town

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   Peace was something that was rare and fleeting in a demigods life, but at this moment, Percy finally had it. It was a sunny day, warm, no monsters, no war, and he was sitting on the warm sand, watching the waves with his girlfriend. Everything was perfect, everything was peaceful. And now it seems to Percy, that this was the calm before the storm. He had finally caught peace in his grasp;however, peace is a tricky thing to keep, and it flutters away at the smallest breeze. And what came along was not a breeze, but a storm.

  After a relaxing hour with Annabeth, Percy decided to take a walk by himself before dinner. Little did he know.....DUN DUN DUUUUUNN! That a scrawny kid would come to camp claiming to be a son of Zeus and completely undermine Percy's life. At least this kid doesn't like blue cookies, because if he took those away....

The dinner horn sounded, and everyone was already at the dining pavilion, but Percy had been admiring Thaila's Pine as it ring through the air, and headed to his brisket and blue coke when he stopped. A blood curdling scream sounded from just beyond the camp border. He turned to find sure enough, a thin blonde being chased by a small party of large (but frankly, quite adorable) hell hounds. The lover of all things blue sprung into action, sprinting toward the terrified boy and vicious, oversized puppies. While the boy cowered behind a bush, Percy flew through them in a whirl of pure demigod awesomeness and pen-sword awesomeness until there was nothing left but golden dust that had blown away into the warm night's air. Once the dust had fully disappeared, Percy saw the boy clearly for the first time. He was thin, with messy blonde hair, shifty charcoal eyes, a slight, upturned nose, and a barely there peach fuzz 'stache.
"Hey, are you okay?"
He looked at Percy, a flicker of realization and a glimmer of hatred danced through his eyes for a second.
"What's your name?" Percy tried again for some sort of response  but came up empty handed. Instead the moody teen turned away and ignored him.

   BRRLLLLLAAAARRRR! BRRRRLLLLLAAAAAARR! The conch horn blared into the fresh summer air like a bloated elephant seal who just lost its food and was so angry at the world it decided to sing, but that didn't quite work out so some snide remarks were made by the other elephant seals which of course had goaded it on further to sing louder, resulting in a decline of the elephant seal population because the sound was so repulsive, no elephant seals really wanted to get it on anymore, thus the decline in elephant seals and a surplus of  fish who want revenge on the elephant seals and therefore wipe out the rest of the elephant seal population while they are still weak. All in all, the horn was loud and unnecessary. Much like that description. The horn had sounded too late. Still, as the unnamed boy saw the crowd of worried campers rush up the hill, a flash of mischief crossed his eyes, and he started to strain, his face on the brink of purple, and Percy panicked because he didn't know if the kid was having a heart attack or he was just constipated.
As the crowd of demigods approached, centaur at their lead, he lost the strain and became normal again.
"Nice save, young man! You're a natural fighter! Now tell me, what is your name?" the wise old centaur as the blonde next to Percy.
Okay. What? To say Percy was confused was an understatement.
"Peter. Peter Johnson."
Percy was brought out of his indignant thoughts by the kid's---Peter's name.
"Well Peter, you don't need to worry, you're safe now. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood."
Then he turned to Annabeth. "Annabeth, please escort Peter to the Big House while Percy and I talk."
Percy had the feeling 'talk' was not a good thing. Annabeth shared one last quizzical look with Percy, both trying to figure out what was happening before she beckoned for Petter to follow her as she walked away.
"Perseus." The centaur boomed. " I am ashamed. Letting a new demigod fend for themselves  against a drakom, no less, while you just stand there! Honestly, I expected more."
His mentors words hit him harder than a ton of bricks. Some campers nodded in agreement, while others were just as confused as Percy.
"Wait---"Percy tried to defend himself but stopped at Chiron's glare.
"Do you really believe I would do someone like that?" Percy asked faintly. He turned to the crowd of campers. Some wore angry looks. Others had their heads down, afraid to dive headfirst into a disagreement with the camp mentor and the hero of Olympus.
Chiron's glare softened from anger to disappointment. Percy felt sick.
"Child, I do not know what came over you tonight, but I pray to the gods it will disappear with a good night's rest."
His tail flicked as he turned around to the rest of the campers.
"Off to bed now, all of you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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