Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven


The moment the sky lightens and all of the creatures retreat to their lairs, I wake the humans up. They aren't happy that they don't get much sleep but finding Alaina is more important.

"Do you have any clue where she is?" Cindy asks.

"Not really," I say. "But I can feel her. She is close. I think she's in this sector."

"What does that mean?" Quinn asks.

"That we can probably get to her before night sets in again." I say. She is really close. I focus on her presence. She's in a cave—always a cave. It's above ground. She's in a cliff cave at the edge of the sector.

"I know where she is," I say.



I pace. I don't know where I am. I haven't received any food or water. I haven't even been told why I'm here. I have no clue what brought me here.

"Hello?" I call out again because the thousandth time is a charm. I walk to the edge of the cave and scan the horizon. It's empty. A complete desert. I would walk but at night nasty creatures scratch at the bottom of the cliff. And sit down on the edge and lean against the warm wall.

"I'm going to die here." I say out loud. The only sound I've heard in what feels like days is my own voice. It keeps me sane. It reminds me that I am still alive. Not for long. I haven't slept, drank, eaten. It won't take long for my body to shut down now.

I see a shadow break the constant light far off. It is followed by another and another. There are six. Could it be? No. impossible. How would they know where to look? The shadows get closer and after a long while of waiting, I am able to make out the faces of the figures. It is them!

"Guys!" I shout. They look up and stop. I hear faint growls and the thumping of feet. I turn my head slightly. The creatures are rushing toward my friends. They run on awkwardly thin and long legs. Their disgusting, oversized teeth hang out of their beak-like jaws.

Xeon pushes them to start running. The creatures are faster. They aren't going to make it.

"Run faster!" I scream. The creatures speed up. "Not you!" I start to climb out of the cave.

"Stay up there!" Xeon commands. Quinn and Sy reach the cave before the creatures can get them but Karla, Cindy, Zayx, and Xeon are still down there. I peer over the edge. The fleshy demon creatures have surrounded them. Xeon is doing his best to keep them away from the girls and Zayx but there are too many. He fights his way back against the cliff and says something to them. Cindy jumps and grabs the edge of the cave. She begins pulling herself up but she is pulled down. She screams.

I look over the edge again. One of the creatures has sunken its teeth into Cindy's leg. Xeon is too busy keeping the creatures away from him, Zayx, and Karla to notice.

"Come on, Cindy." I grab her hands and try to pull her up but the creature is heavier than it looks. Cindy cries out in pain. Xeon looks up at her but the moment of loss of focus allows one of the creatures to sink its jaws into his arm. He cringes and punches the thing's skull. It releases, but not before biting his arm clean off. He bleeds for a moment and then a new arm grows in its place. Cindy's screaming becomes louder. Another creature has grabbed her. She's becoming too heavy for me to hold.

"Cindy, hold on!" I cry. "Guys help me!" Sy and Quinn grab Cindy's arms. More creatures pile onto her. Her hazel eyes are filled with heartbreaking pain and fear. Blood spurts from her nose and mouth. The liquid creates a slippery surface for me to hold on to. Her hands slip from mine. The boys soon lose their grip on her and she is claimed by the creatures. Their ugly flesh-colored bodies are coated in red as they tear her apart.

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