chapter 6

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                                                 *Isabellas pov*

                       So me and Liam explained everything to the guys. Now  Im in the guest room well now its my room finshing up some songs I started writing a while back and because when im in my writting world i dont notice anything i didnt notice harry walk into my room untill he spoke up.

                      "Hey what you doing " he asked then took my notbook.

                        "Nothing that concerns you so bye bye." I responded but to my luck he is on of thoes peopke who reads relly supper fast . Gosh I hate people like that because there the ones that are usually really noisy and I loath noisy peopl

                               "You write songs omg can you sing to I really need to get to know you..." he rambled untill I finally cut him off and took my book back  "Yes not anymore and i dont want to know you so leave NOW or else you will regreat it ok." 

                                    His stupid self though responded with "Not until you sing for me." He is really asking to die "Thats it I said to leave and you are really pissing me off." I grabed his arm pinned it to his back and through him out of my room.

                                                                *liams pov*

               I was walking back to my room when i saw Harry get thrown out of Izzys room and I started chuckeling then asked Harry. "Harry what did you do to her ." and he responded with something that put a frown on my face."I walked in to talk to her saw she was writing something saw it was a song and asked her if she could sing then she got all upset at me. In all honest she is really strong and i think im going to be bruised in the morning."

                    i sighed and pulled Harry to my room." Harry do you relise what you have done. She hasnt sang or wrote songs in months. You see her mom and dad were her best friends everything one of the only people she will cry in front of includeing me and thats it .They died 6 months ago and she changed . She was a brillent verry talented singer songe writter. When my aunt and uncle died she left that world had a scholorship to juliard her dream school threw it all away . She threw away all her songs and song books packed up her guitar and keyboard to collect dust. If she was writting a song she didnt want anyone to know right now and with what you did shes probably going to quit agin." 

                        once i was done talking i sighed and let harry talk "Mate Im sorry i diddnt mean it i diddnt know im sorry." I put my face in my hands."its alrigh mate i know its just the chance of her getting back into music agin it blows me away . Anyway lets go get some breakfest"

                              We were walking to the kitchen when I pasted Izzys room I heard her singing and I motioned for harry to keep going ill meet him down there and i opened her door and noticed she didnt notice me and when she was done i started to cry and clap."That was amazing and Izzy I miss him to he would want you to keep singin and writting he knows how much you love it and as long as you do that youll be dancing with him agin." with that i walked out 

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