chapter 4

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                                                                      *Isabellas P.O.V                         

                                                                                             *1month later*

                      It is a month later and I am puking my guts out in a toilt. If you are wondering I took a pregnancy test and Im pregnant but I haven't told my brothers yet Im scared to tell them. Austin ran into the bathroom and saw me throwing up agin. We are takeing you to the doctors to see whats wrong with you youv been like this for a while and im scared.

                      We don't have to go to the doctors because I know whats wrong. What is it youv got to tell me so I can help you ok. I-I-I-im p-p-pregnant. When I told him that he ran out the bathroom and went into my room. I fallowed him to see what he was doing and when I got to my room I saw him packing all of my stuff. I will not live with a complete slut you are leaving out of this house now. 

                        He finished packing my stuff and threw me out with my suitcase. there was only one place I can think of going and I hope that person wont throw me out on the streets like my jerk of a big brother did.

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