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'Lies all of it Lies... Boris is dead Bendy is dead and your next (y/n)... you couldnt save them, you let them die because your a coward...'

"Whoah", you gasped, as you were startled awake by none other than Bendy. Little devil, under normal circumstances you would have been pretty grumpy, but this time however you were grateful. You'd been having the same horrible nightmare for the past week now. "(Y/n) you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost.", Bendy stared at you concerned, "Ohh, no no im fine bendy just thinking is all!", you laughed it off giving Bendy an adorkable smile. Bendy blushed furiously, "Heh, if you say so...", he shuffled away, probably to go pester Joey.

Suddenly, you heard a book close behind you causing you to jump slightly,"Eep-" you whipped you head around to see Boris shaking his head at you."-Boris, you know i scare easily..", you blushed embarrassed that you were startled. "(Y/n) when will you tell him the truth?", Boris looked at you unimpressed. You blushed even further."Is it that odvious..?", "Im talking about your nightmares, Bendy is very worried about you... and yes it is very odvious you love him with a burning passion!", he gave you a shiteating grin."Boris, you DID NOT read MY journal did you...", you glared daggers at him. "Hmmm, let me think about that...", he then dropped the book he was holding and bolted. Glancing down you realised it was your journal.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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"Wow What A Coward" Bendy X Toon!readerWhere stories live. Discover now