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woah no pictures? just words? omg. haha enjoy

irene sighed as she turned her phone off. she missed her best friend. she missed the way her eyes crinkled when she smiled and how she was proud of her monolids. she missed her jokes and her laugh.

she glanced at the time, noticing it was quite late at night. almost one am.

she began to prepare for bed, brushing her teeth and changing into her pajamas. she settled into her bed, snuggling into the sheets. she closed her eyes as she slowly drifted off into sleep.


irene was awoken by the sound of her phone buzzing like crazy. she turned over and retrieved her phone from her night stand. she surprised to see a name on her phone that she hadn't seen in a year. she quickly pressed the 'accept' button, holding the phone up to her ear.

"hey, se-"

she paused when she heard sobs coming from the other line.

"seulgi? what's wrong?"

"joohyun." she heard her name being rasped out along with more sobs. "i don't know what i'm supposed to do anymore."

"seulgi, what do you mean? and have you been drinking?" she asked, noticing the slur in her words.

"i hurt everyone. i hurt my friends. i hurt my fans. i hurt my boyfriend. i'm a terrible person.".

"seul, don't say that."

"it's true, irene. i didn't contact you at all when i was gone. you were hurt, weren't you?"

"i mean, yeah. but you were training, you probably didn't have time."

"that's bullshit and you know it. i could've picked up the phone to call you at anytime and i didn't. god, i hate myself."


"i ruined one of the best things in my life. i ruined my relationship. i hurt him. i hurt jimin. i hurt the boy who loved me with his whole heart." she started crying extra hard.

"i miss him so much. i chose the idol life over him and i regret it every single day. i broke up with him so i could debut. because i was so self-centered and didn't care about his feelings that i decided to break up with him. i swear, i'm the worst human being alive."

"seulgi, calm down. it's going to be okay. where are you right now?" irene asked, getting out of bed.

"why do you care? shit...i'm sorry."

"it's okay, seulgi. just breathe."

"no, i don't want to anymore. the more i do, the more i hurt people."

"seulgi, that's not true. i still love you and care for you. we all do. where are you?" irene asked once more, pulling on jacket and grabbing her keys.

"you don't need to know. it doesn't matter anyways."

"seulgi, please."

"you know he's moved on? good for him. he should forget me as soon as he can. all i do is bring him painful memories."

"you know that's not true. you guys had beautiful memories together." irene argued, running out of her house to her car.

"and they're ruined because i had to go and be a fucking loser and break up with him because i wanted to "chase my dream". god, he must hate me so much." she sobbed.

"i couldn't even tell him why i had to end it. i couldn't hold him in my arms one last time. i couldn't fucking tell him how much i loved him. he was the love of my life. he made me so happy, so bright. he was the best boyfriend anyone could possibly have. he cared for me so much. and how did i repay him? by being the worst human being ever."

"seulgi, i'm you were just as good as a girlfriend to him. now, seriously. where are you?"

"why are you trying so hard? i'm sure you and i both know where this conversation is going to end."

irene stayed silent for a moment, tears welling up in her eyes. "i don't want to lose you."

"i'm sorry, irene. i really can't anymore."

"seulgi, please."

"hangang bridge."

irene immediately began driving as fast as she could to the direction of the hangang river, knowing it was a well known place for many to commit suicide.

"seulgi, you're going to get through this. please, just stay with me."

"you know what, irene? the stars looking pretty tonight. i think i'd like to be a star."

"seulgi, please. just please."

"it's been really hard, irene. ever since i joined the company, everything went down the drain. you know they're were trying to get me to date kai from exo. but i couldn't. especially not after what i did to jimin."

"you know, when i'm gone, tell him i hope he's happy. happy with his new girl. happy with his new life. happy without me."

"seulgi, you're not going anywhere." irene said calmly, arriving at the hangang bridge.

"i'm sorry, joohyun. i can't do this anymore."

"seulgi? seulgi! seulgi! seulgi, you can't do this!" irene rushed out of her car, catching a figure falling from the bridge out of the corner of her eye.

she rushed over to the side of bridge, trying to see if she could see her, but due to it being late at night, it was hard to see. tears were swelling up in her eyes as she tried to calm herself down.

her hands shook as she dialed the emergency line. she quickly explained the situation, trying to hold back her sobs. they assured her help was on the way and she couldn't stop thanking them.

her arm slumped down as she ended the call. she almost fell apart right there, knowing that her best friend could end up being apart of those stars that night. but she saw something.

she slowly walked over and crouched down, finding seulgi's phone. it was left on the irene's contact info.

irene starting crying. if only she had known how lonely seulgi was, maybe this wouldn't have happened.

but they're only ifs and maybes.


okay that's the end


HAHAHA yeah no you thought. this is one of my favorite stories to write

i just had to end this sort of cliffhanger?? anyways, i have no idea how things are going to play out. we'll just have to see whether seulgi survives or not :/

hope you enjoyed and don't kill me plz

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