Part 10 - A Thousand Times

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"Are you going to miss me?"

"Maybe a little."

"Only a little?" Tom's pout made him look like a little boy and it was all I could do not to melt. When he looked over at me with the soppiest puppy dog eyes I'd ever seen, I felt a lurch in my chest and caved in less than a heartbeat.

"Okay, yes, more than a little." He batted his eyelashes. "A lot...I'm going to miss you a lot," I added hastily, completely undone. Breath catching as his arms wrapped around me, I brought my hands to rest on his black tee shirt and looked up into a face now morphing from puppy dog to confident smirk, and I realised I'd been had. "Oh my god, you totally just played me with your damn acting skills," My mind swirled to think of a name suitable for the dastardly trick he'd just played. "You sneaky Brit, you."

As I swiped at him – getting a feel of taut, toned muscle that made my breath hitch again – he broke into a giggle and the sound of it, together with the sight of the tip of his tongue caught in his teeth, brought the lurch back big time. I was going to miss him; in fact, I was pretty certain I would miss him terribly. We'd been almost inseparable in the last three months but that was coming to an end as he had commitments in various parts of the world while I was stuck here in London on post-production of 'A Tender Night'.

"Is that the best insult you can come up with?" he grinned, hands running down my back to rest over my ass. "I expect far better from someone so creative."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You are so playing with fire right now, Hiddleston," I warned, which only made him giggle more. He was so beautiful when he laughed; head thrown back exposing an exquisitely long neck, eyelids half closed with deep crinkles creasing, mouth wide with straight, pearly white teeth shining and that tongue tip gleaming pinkly at me. He was adorable, and sexy, and downright irresistible; I felt my own lips rising in response to his peels. "Damn you," I muttered softly. His laughter quietened and he looked at me piercingly before lowering his face to mine.

"I'm going to miss you so much I don't know how I'll be able to breathe," he murmured close to my ear, sending chills down my spine and making me gasp. I whispered his name and moved my hands to his head, running my fingers through his hair and bringing his mouth to mine, losing myself in the essence of him. "I don't want to go," his lips said quietly against the column of my throat. "I can't stand the thought of being away from you for so long."

"Oh God, Tom." Tightening my arms around his neck, I pressed myself closer and did my best to corral my emotions. "We have a deal, remember? You go off and be impressively wonderful and the second Josh has finished with me, I'm jumping on a plane and coming to distract the hell out of you. Besides, we'll see each other in Venice, if not before." 'A Tender Night' would be showing at upcoming Film Festivals in Venice, Toronto, London and Park City; as writer and co-producer, I would be attending all of them, while Tom's schedule only allowed for Venice, Toronto and London.

"That's the end of August; you're not going to make me wait that long, are you?"

"Good things come to those who wait," I quoted at him, trembling when his tongue played with the sensitive spot behind my ear. "Isn't that the phrase you Brits use?"

"Mmm, yes." He began in earnest then to seriously drive me crazy, nibbling and sucking and licking along my neck and collarbone while his hands – those oh-so-capable, delectable, sexy-as-fuck hands – worked their way up from my knee, teasing and caressing and owning while they generally destroying ovaries right, left and center. I kept a firm hold of him as he assaulted every one of my senses, involuntary gasps and moans leaving my mouth which only seemed to spur him on. "And speaking of good things coming..." Our bodies were molded together from shoulder to hip, evidence of his arousal pulsing against me and demolishing any part of me that may have stood resolute against his seduction. "I want you up against this wall," he breathed into my ear.

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