Ch. 2

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   "Where are we going?" Crystal asked Jason as she got in the car. The car was hers but Jason enjoyed driving so she let him drive most of the time. "You'll see when we get there." Jason replied. "Telllll meeee" Crystal whined  like a child. Jason just ignored her and started the car.

  After twenty minutes of silence and Crystal pouting, Jason spoke up "We're going ice skating." "NO WAY!!!" Crystal shouted happily. Crystal loved ice skating a lot. It was something she was very good at. She actually taught Jason how to skate.

  He's not as good as me though. Crystal thought to herself.  She snickered at the thought. 

  "I'm not as good as you Chris because I haven't been skating as long as you have." Jason said as if he had read her mind. "Yeah okay whatever you say." Crystal replied and looked out of the car window at the snow falling on the ground. Jason simply reached over and squeezed her thigh earning a yelp from the female. She swiftly pushed his hand off her leg. "Focus on driving you butt." Crystal growled at him. He smirked and put his hand back on the steering wheel.
  As she was looking out the window she noticed ice on the road. Crystal became uneasy. She hated being in a car when there was ice on the road. "Babe please be careful there's ice on the roads." Crystal said nervously. He reached over and held her hand to comfort her. Crystal smiled as she felt the warmth of his hand.  She felt safer for second. He looked over at her and smiled.
   "JASON LOOK OUT!" Crystal  screamed. Jason quickly swerved to avoid the person walking on the road. The tires screeched and the car flipped and fell into the ditch on the side of the road.

    Crystal hit her head on the dash board and everything went black.

   "Ma'am are you okay?" The officer asked Crystal. She groaned and slowly opener her eyes. "W-what happened? WHERE'S JASON!? IS HE OKAY?! PLEASE TELL ME HE'S OKAY!!!" Crystal screamed and quickly sat up from the stretcher she was laying on. "Ma'am please calm down. We need to know what happened." The cop said calmly even though Crystal just yelled in his face.

     Crystal scanned her surroundings desperately searching for her boyfriend. Shattered glass and car parts where scattered about. She couldn't find him and that's when she saw the blood.  A trail of blood led to a body.  Crystal jumped off of the stretcher and ran over to the body on the floor.
      Oh god! Please don't let it be Jason! Please! Please! Don't be Jason! Crystal thought to herself.  She fell to the floor as soon as she reached the body and gasped. It felt like someone just clawed her heart out of her chest. "" Crystal sobbed. She threw herself on his lifeless body and cried her heart out. Crystal just lost the love of her life.

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