Chapter 4

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'I'm not saying, which tape brings you in the story. But fear not if you did receive this lovely little box. Your name will pop up, I promise... Anyway the rules here are pretty simple. There are only two'

I climbed down the pipe drainage, and landed into a small bush. My body going down in a small thump. I stood up groaning, my arm sorely aching.

I washed away the pain, and stretched my back and arms.

"Here we go" I whispered dropping my skateboard on the ground, and rode off into the distance. Pressing play on the Walkman as I did so.

'Rule number one, you listen. Number two you pass it on. Hopefully either one will be easy. It's not supposed to be easy or I would've emailed you an MP3, when you're finished listening to all 13 sides. Because there are 13 sides to every story. Rewind the tapes, put them back in the box and pass them onto the next person'

I pushed faster on my skateboard. My heart beating fast. I was listening to a supposingly dead girl. And or prankster. For some odd reason it broke my heart at how hurtful her voice sounded.

I took in a deep breath, before pushing further on my skateboard as I came to the end of my street and out to the next one.

"Why the hell am I on this anyways" I whispered turning a corner.

Pulling my hoodie over my head.

'Oh and the box of tapes should've included a map, I will be mentioning. Many spots around our beloved city'

I quickly pulled out the map from my hoodie pocket. My balance going widely and before I knew it, my skateboard hit the curb of the gutter, my body hitting the side walk concrete, my head hitting the ground.

All I could hear was that high pitch noise you hear when someone's yelled in your ear, it was so loud it'll make them bleed. That's what it felt like in my head, it felt like my brain was bleeding and it hurt.

I touched the right side of my head, wincing. I ripped my hand back to see blood. Great. I grazed my head. Smart. I decided not to take interest and just to carry on. I want to know why I'm on these tapes and who this Hannah chick was.

I looked around the high screeching still going. I could feel it dying down, making me sigh. I looked around hopping up to my feet. I looked back at my skateboard and grabbed it. I pulled the map out and, put the headphones back on.

I pulled out the Walkman, pressing play again.

'I can't force you to visit them, but if you'd like a little more insight. Head for the stars, or you know just throw away the map and I'll never know'

I had the urge to throw the map away but, her voice stopped me.

'Or will I? You see if you're tempted to break the rules, understand I did make a copy of these tapes, and I left them with a trusted individual, who if this package doesnt go through all of you. They'll l release those copies in a public manner, this is not a spear of the moment, decision. Do not take me for granted. Not again'

My heart almost stopped. My eyes widening. I killed this girl somehow. Tears filled my eye sight. I sucked in a deep breath.

I stood there on the side the street astonished.

'Do what i say, not more not less. Youre being watched'

I paused the tape, picking up my skateboard. My mind going numb, this was serious. It wasnt a game. It was of what i did wrong.

And it sure as hell, sounds bad by this.

My heart dropped, and my skin ran cold.

Tony PadillaWhere stories live. Discover now