Chapter 20

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Tony's POV

It was after school and Clay and I were heading to the cliff side to talk, I was suspicious of how Marie was acting after school, did someone hurt her?  Was it a guy? Or girl?

I wanted to know so I asked Clay if we could talk and I was going to tell him what happened today and what I was going to say to Marie.

The drive there was fast and when we got out of the car we didn't say a word.

We walked onto the gravel part of the cliff and sat down.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Clay asked I sucked in sharp breath, closing my eyes.

"I really like her Clay?" I said straight up, I could see Clay staring at me from the corner of my eyes.

"Marie?" He asked I nodded like it was nothing, but it was something.

"How long man?" I sighed clenching my jaw tightly.

"A couple days, I mean after I told you about her knowing about the tapes, I had drawn closer to her you know.." I said Clay nodded lightly at me.

"Are you gonna tell her?" I shrugged my shoulders in disappointment.

"I was today when she was supposed to meet me at my locker but she didn't show I thought she went to class already so I left to go to Mr Porters office" I said rushing a bit, Clay frowned.

"Wait when did you say to meet you at your locker because she came in later just before I popped in at 1:05pm just before the first bell, she seemed upset like on the verge of crying" my head snapped up towards Clay my eyes widening.

"Wait what?" I almost shouted Clays eyes went wide.

"I was supposed yo meet her at my locker at 12:45pm something happened around that time but she wasn't there" Clays eyebrows went into curves of confusion.

"What happened Tony?" He asked sternly I clenched my jaw at Clay and told him everything with Elena and Bryant, he was staring at me with a serious look.
"Tony she was fine at lunch and then her mood changed, if a girl crys over something that she saw she probably saw what happened, Tony she saw you and Elena kissing!" Clay this time almost shouted ,I put my hands on my head.

Clay looked at me with disbelief.

His hands landing on my shoulders.

"Fkn hell Tony a girl crying over a guy she's not even daring screams, I like you!" He said ruffly. My heart pumping quicker at the words

I like you

That explained the whole avoiding thing after school, she didn't hug me like we always did, she didn't give me her beautiful smile that I died over each time she did it, her laugh was the only thing I ever heard when I was around her and I loved that.

But for her to cry was the worst thing I could ever do to her.

One thing I hoped for to never happen again, ever I mean she was to beautiful to cry.

Clay and I looked at each other before getting up quickly. I dropped him off at his house before rushing to Marie's.

I put my hand on the doorknob not wanting to message her scared of what she'd do and say.

I turned the doorknob mumbling under my breath.

"Making you cry will always be the worst thing Id ever do to you Marie, but never again"

Tony PadillaWhere stories live. Discover now