Baby series one

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Ok so I haven't updated in forever because family business but I'm back
Ok here we go..

It had been a quick few days of recovery and you were relaxing in your room with your little bundle of joy while J was in the kitchen fixing a bottle (actually it was frost making it while J scrutinized his every move) he came back in the room and sat next to you handing you the bottle and watched you put it to your baby's mouth. It whimpered a bit before taking it in its mouth and sucking happily on the warm milk. "I've never seen anything so small," J said quietly. "Yeah, it's pretty strange huh? And how this small thing will grow to be as big as us?" "I'm not ready to think about that." He said rubbing his eyes and focusing on the baby more. He studied it as it finished the bottle and burped. He chuckled and held his arms out carefully taking the bundle who'd began to cry. "Aww, come on now little clown don't cry. Smile," he placed his hand up to his mouth where the mock grin covered his silver one and the baby cooed and giggled. He put his hand down and began to bounce the baby rocking it back to sleep for an afternoon nap. "You're going to be such a great dad," you said before drifting off yourself on J's lap. He sat there with both pf you in his arms and was completely unsure of the feeling inside of his chest. His heart pounded and he felt suffocated but couldn't bear to move himself. He sat taking a few deep breaths before setting the baby down to  remove his tie and shirt. He rested himself on the bed and placed the baby on his bare chest just studying the small new creature that'd entered his life not even a week ago. "This is defenently new."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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