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  We got into Chiron's office and all sat down. Clarisse glared at us.

    I stuck my tongue out at her.

    "What was going on out there?!" He got straight to the point.

    I cleared my throat.


    "Well, personally I have no clue what they were thinking.  But, Percy and I were just sitting on a log next to the sea talking when Leo came over. He wanted to go on a walk to show me around-"

     Percy cut me off, "Right, to show you around" Percy used his fingers to "quote" it.

     I slapped his shoulder, "Your side comments, not helping."

     I turned back to Chiron, "To show me around.  Percy here was embarrassing me, so I went over to talk to him. Next thing a know I hear a smack, turned around to Leo on the floor unconscious, and them standing over him. So, we told them to give us Valdez or we would get him back the hard way. They took the hard way."

     I looked at Clarisse glaring at me. I giggled, they were both soaked and dripping water.

    "Okay. Percy, Parker, you may leave." Chiron nodded his head at us.

    Clarisse stood up, "What?! No fair!"

    "I watched the whole thing.  Parker wasn't lying." Chiron smiled.

     I crossed my arms and smiled.

     Percy put his fist out, I put my fist against his.

     We smiled, then walked out of his office.

      When we got out of the big house we started cracking up.

      Annabeth walked over to us, "What are you laughing at?"

      "They got in trouble instead of us." Percy tryed to hold his cool just so he could finish his story. "Chiron was watching the whole thing."

     We started cracking up again.

     "Why is that so funny?!" She was lost.

      We just continued laughing.

      She looked at us and shook her head, "Great, so now I have to deal with two Seaweed brain's."

     "Um, that's my name." Percy squinted at me.

     "Fine! Seaweed Brain and SeaFoam Face." She announced.

      "Cool. I got own nickname!" I said.

     I looked at Percy and we just started cracking up again.

    "Okay." Annabeth put her head down and started walking away. "Poseidon kids." She shook her head.

    "Annabeth!" Percy giggled.

     He ran after her.

     I wanted to see how Leo was doing.

    I went to the infirmary and found Leo.  He was awake and eating a snickers.

    I walked to his bed, "Hey, repair boy."

    He looked up and smiled at me, "Hey, newbie!"

    I sat down on the edge of his bed, "How are you always so smiley? Even after an accident?"

    "I kinda force myself to be." He took another bite of his Snickers.

    "Well don't." I smiled.

    I told him how Percy and I got completely out of trouble. And how Clarisse and Aurora got in alot of trouble because Chiron was watching the whole thing.

    He laughed.

    "I'm glad your okay Leo." I smiled at him.

     "You to-" He giggled. "SeaFoam Face. "

      "She told you?!" I was kinda flustered.

       He laughed, "We all have nicknames here." 

      I reached out, put my hand on his, and smiled at him.

The Winds Tide: A demigod storyWhere stories live. Discover now