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   We got to the "cafeteria".

   "Well, we can't have you sitting at our tables." Annabeth said.

    "Oh.  Okay." I said. I dropped my head and started to walk away.

   "Parker! That's not what I ment.  It's just camp rules. But, when you get claimed tonight you will be able to sit at that table with your siblings." She explained.

    "Oh. Okay." I told her, trying to smile.

    I got my food with them. They split and went to their own tables.

    I saw Aurora laughing with the Ares cabin. I had my plate of food, I walked past them. One of them tripped me as I walked past.  I ended up on the floor with my face in the grass and food all over my shirt.

    Everyone from their table was laughing at me.

    I got up and ran. I felt a tear run down my cheek. This was not how I wanted to start off camp.

    I sat down in front of a pine tree facing the opposite way from the "cafeteria".

    I heard foot steps.  I wiped my face quickly and tryed to act natural.

   "Hey, newbie." Leo came around the corner.

   "Hi Leo." I said softly.

   He sat next to me and took stuff out of his tool belt and started fiddling around with it.

    "Are you okay?" He asked.

    "Ya. Just my luck that, that happened me." I told him.

    "It's okay.  I don't fit in well here either." He chuckled a bit.

    I looked at him. I couldn't believe what he was saying. "Your one of the coolest people I've met here.  Annabeth is too serious and Percy, well, I don't know him well enough yet." I told him.

    He just kinda half smiled. "Hey, let's go get you more food." He said.

    "But, I don't have a change of clothes and I have mashed potatoes all over this one." I told him.

    "I'll be right back.  Stay here." He got up and ran off.

     He came back a few minutes later with a orange shirt.

     "Here.  I got one from Chiron for you." He tossed it to me.

     "Thank you, Leo."  I had two tank tops on.  I took the one with potatoes off and put the orange shirt on.

      It had a Pegasus on the front. It said, "Camp Half-Blood."

     "Hey, can I show you something." I asked him.

     "Ya, sure." He kinda replied with an odd tone.

     "Don't tell anyone.  See this bracelet?"

     "Nope." Leo smiled.

     "Well, Aurora's mom gave it to me this morning.  Aurora got a necklace."

     "Please, tell no one." I rubbed the gem and whispered. The bracelet glowed, then next thing I knew I was holding the sword that helped me defeat the Minotar.

     "How does a mortal get something like this?" He looked at it.

     I rubbed the gem in the handle and it went back to the bracelet.

    "We better get you some food before the Ares cabin eats it all." He laughed.

    "I'm actually not very hungry." I truthfully told him.

The Winds Tide: A demigod storyWhere stories live. Discover now