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(Lucy's POV)

Hi Lucy here! As you can see my face is buried into Natsu's chest. My face could put Erza's hair to shame. His arm tightly around my waist and his chin resting on my head.

And every time I try to get up he pulls me back down again and mumbles my name.

It's been a long morning.

I poked his cheek. "Natsu?"

He groaned as he opened his eyes. "Luce?"

"We need to head to the guild now". I said.

He chuckled than released me. "Okay"

I noticed something when he stood up. He was wearing only his boxers.

I covered my eyes as my blush got worst. "Natsu! What happened to your pants?!"

(Natsu's POV)

Luce covered her eyes as her face turned to a bright red. "Natsu! What Happened to your pants?!"

I smirked. "Well I didn't bring any pajamas with me, so I just wore my boxers"

"But that's never stopped you before?!" She yelled.

I chuckled quitely. "I don't see why this is a big deal, Luce"

"The big deal?!" She yelled again, still covering her eyes.

I walked up behind her and whispered into her ear. "Well it's not like I've never seen you naked before, Luce"

I smirked as her face blushed more and she yelled. "I'm going to get changed now!" While running into the bathroom.

Today's going to be a great day.

(Lucy's POV)

I looked in the mirror to see my face the same colour as Natsu's hair. I deep breath to calm me down and started to change.

Once I was done I stepped out of my bathroom to see Natsu fully dressed. Thank goodness.

"Let's get going" I said. He nodded his head and dragged me to the guild by my hand. I blushed. "N-Natsu?! What are you doing?!"

He looked at me and smiled. "Well we are going to the guild right?"

I puffed out my checks and shook my head. "Well yeah but that doesn't explain why you're holding my hand"

"We're​ here!" He yelled while bursting through the door.

(A few minutes before)

(Sting's POV)

I walked in Fairy Tail searching for a blonde mage. Where is she?

I went to the bar. "Umm. Mira was it?"

The white haired mage nodded her head and smiled. "Yup. What can I do for you?"

I asked. "Do you know when Lucy will be here?"

Mira looked at the glass she was cleaning, deep in thought.

I sat down on the stool. "Well?"

She smiled and chuckled a bit. "She should be here any minute by now with Natsu" I growled at the mention of his name.

Natsu, huh?

"Does he always come with Lucy?" I asked.

Mira smiled. "Of course!"

So Natsu thinks Lucy's his mate, huh?

My Lucy?!

We'll see about that.

"We're here!"

(Natsu's POV)

I looked around the room and spotted him. What is he doing here? What does he want? I tightened my hold on Lucy in anger. 

She flinched and said. "Natsu? You're hurting me" I let go.

"Sorry Luce" I smiled and she smiled back.

I turned back to face the guild and couldn't find Sting. I guess he left than.

I turned to face Luce but she wasn't there anymore. She was with Sting.

(Lucy's POV)

I remember entering the guild with Natsu than the next thing I know I'm sitting next to Sting at the bar. Why is Sting here? Where's Natsu?

I turned to Sting and asked. "Uh, do you know where Natsu is?"

He growled a bit before saying. "I don't know where he is. Do you want a milkshake or something?"

I nodded my head. "Strawberry please"

He smiled. "Great. Mira can we get one strawberry milkshake​ for the lovely lady and a chocolate milkshake for me please"

Mira nodded her head. "Be right up!"

I smiled. "Thanks Mira!"

Sting grabbed a strand of my hair and started to play with it. "S-sting?" I blushed.

He leaned forward and whispered. "Yes, Luce?" In my ear.

My face turned to a shade of red. "W-what-" I was cut off by a growling noise behind me.

"What are you doing with my Luce, Sting?!" Natsu boomed throughout the guild. Silence filled the air, but only for a moment.

Sting yelled. "Why do you care, Fire breath?!"

Natsu snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me close to his chest. "Lucy is mine! Not yours!!!"

The whole guild went silent as my face turned to a bright red.

A few seconds later Mira was jumping up and down, yelling about Nalu happening and 33 Nalu babies.

I looked at Sting and he was ferious. "This isn't over Natsu Dragneel!!!!!!!!" With that he stormed out of the guild and slammed the door behind him.

I looked up to face Natsu and asked. "W-what do you mean by 'mine'?"

He blushed a bit. "I mean that you're mine and only mine"

My face heated up more. "S-since when did I become yours?!"

He rested his chin on my head and whispered. "Since always, Luce"

My eyes widened. "Ehhhhh!?!?!"

He just laughed for a bit and closed his eyes. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes. We stayed like that for a while before Gray intrupped. "Get a room you two!"

"Be quiet Gray!" Erza yelled.

"Nalu babies!!!!" Mira yelled.

Natsu sighed. "Wanna head back to your place?"

I nodded my head. "Sure"

We left the guild.

Hand in hand.

I looked up and asked. "Are you going to sleep in the bed again?"

He smiled back. "Of course!"

I tilted my head. "Why?"

He pulled me into a hug and whispered. "Because. I need to be by your side, Luce"

Why is my heart beating so much?

Is this love?

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