Enemy of my Enemy

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(Natsu's POV)

Gray immediately pushed me in the face. "What are you doing here flame brain?!"

I grinned and punched him back. "What do you think Elsa?!"

Gray growled but before he could punch me Erza pulled him back. He went flying right into a tree. Erza gave me a death glare before I could laugh my ass off. "Natsu? What do you think you're doing here?"

I gulped. "We wanted to help you find the girls"

She crossed her arms. "Even if we find them you three will take them"

Gajeel joined in. "We can worry about that later. Right now we need to find the girls and defeat Sting and Rouge"

Erza smiled. "Fine"

"Erza we can't let them near them! That was why we had to get them to the safe house!" Gray yelled.

"Look! All we want is to make sure that the girls are safe. Don't you?" They both nodded. "Good. Therefore we have a common interest. We'll help you two find the girls" Gajeel said.

Who knew metal breath had a brain with that thick skull.

Gray growled. "So what happens when we find the girls?! Do you expect us to just sit back and let you dragon slayers take the girls?!"

Well kinda......

I shrugged"Like what Metal breath said. We'll figure it out when we get there" I said.

Erza nodded her head and put her hands on her waist. "Seems reasonable enough"

Gray yelled. "Erza?!"

In one Swift movement Erza punched Gray in the stomach, knocking him out cold. She smirked. "Know that he's taking care of let's go find the girls" with one arm she scooped Gray off the ground and into her shoulder and walked away.

I shivered. That chick is crazy man!

(Wendy's POV)

It's only been a few moments before we ran into Jellal of all people. I waved. "Hey Jellal!"

He smiled and waved back. "Hey Wendy. Do you know if Erza's on a job or not?"

I couldn't help but smile. "Actually we were sent to go find her and Gray"

His smiled faded as soon as I mentioned Gray. "Her and Gray? Are they dating or something?"

Before I could answer Juvia jumped Infront of him waving her arms in the air. "Gray-sama would never do that to Juvia!!"

Jellal laughed. "So I'm guessing you're Gray's girlfriend?"

Juvia immediately blushed and looked away. "Gray-sama isn't Juvia's boyfriend"

He giggled and started walking towards the forest. He stopped after a moment, turned his head and smiled. "Well let's go find them" I smiled and followed him.

(Natsu's POV)

When Gray finally came to I started to make funny faces at him. "Glad the ice princess finally woke up"

Gray yelled back. "Shut it Flame brain!" As soon as he said that Erza immediately dropped him on the ground and gave us both the death glare. I had to bite my tongue to keep myself from laughing.

Gray brushed himself off and glared at me. "I still can't believe Erza and I are helping you"

I glared back at him. "Come on Gray, isn't there a girl you would do anything for?" As soon as I said that Gray immediately blushed.

"W-well yes but-"

"Well then you know why I can't just sit around and hope you and Erza get her back"

Gray sighed in defeat. "I guess you have a point"

I smirked. "So who's the special girl?"

He blushed more. "It's Juvia"

I laughed and smacked him on the back. "I knew it! Mira's going to freak when she finds out"

He yelled. "Don't you dare!" I laughed at his sudden outburst.

(Wendy's POV)

After a couple of hours I caught scent of Lucy. I smiled. "Hey guys I think I got Lucy's scent"

Romeo smiled. "Good job Wendy!"

"Where are they?" Jallel asked.

I smiled and pointed east. "If we run we'll make it in about five minutes"

"Do you smell Erza with them?" Jallel asked.

I shook my head. "Unfortunately I don't smell her with them but I'm sure she's fine. She's Erza after all" He smiled and started running. As we ran I couldn't help but worry about the others. I wonder if Erza and Gray ran into the the Dragon slayers yet.

"Wendy! Look!" I looked over to where Romeo was pointing to and saw a medium size cabin.

I sniffed the air and grinned. "All three of the girls are in the cabin. Sting's and Rouge's scent are faded. They haven't been here for a while. We have to be quick"

We carefully broke in threw the window and split off in pairs. Romeo and I search this floor. Juvia and Jallel search downstairs. "Hey Romeo. Did you find anything?" He shook his head and kept looking. Hopefully Jallel and Juvia are having better luck.

Boom! There was a sudden commotion coming from downstairs.

What happened to being quiet?

Jallel and the others came rushing out like a herd of bulls. I almost got trampled in the process but thankfully Lucy was there to carry me before I fell to the floor. I peeked behind Lucy's shoulder to see Romeo cradled in Mira's arms like a baby. I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing.

(Natsu's POV)

We didn't reach the cabin till nightfall. I sniffed the air. "Sting and Rouge are in the cabin. The girls seemed to have left hours ago"

Gray shook his head. "So what now? Are we still going to fight Sting and Rouge or are we going to continue the search?"

Erza started walking back to the woods. "Let's sleep on it. Besides it's far too late to get into a battle" we nodded our heads and followed her lead. Half an hour later we set up camp and Erza and Gray passed out.

I stood up and sniffed the air.


"You really thought you were the only one to notice?" I look behind my shoulder to see Gajeel and Laxus up and ready.

I grinned. "Well what are we waiting for?" They gave a light chuckle and followed my lead.

Sorry Gray and Erza, but no one will get in-between me and my mate.

There's only one more chapter after this.

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