a star.

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Some people would claim that Yoongi is cold. Hoseok wishes he could tell those people that they're wrong.
Yoongi cares so much,
even though people tell him not to.
He cares so much it hurts Hoseok's heart to watch.
Hoseok wishes he could ever care about people so passionately, the way Yoongi does it. Like it's simple. Constantly putting other's needs in front of his own.
Hoseok wishes he could somehow pay his hyung back.
Yet, all he has, is his fluttering heart.
In Hoseok's own night sky of stars, one star shines brighter.
A star,
a boy.
Min Yoongi lights up the night sky more than any other star.

stars and dreams (new years eve) | yoonseokWhere stories live. Discover now