The Cause of Events

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Harry POV

Ha. That stupid guy actually thought a God and Godess would come to our school. I saw them when Percy and Annabeth were talking to them in the common room. But they would just flash in not walk in like they were mortals.

Percy said,"This is Athena and Poseidon, Annabeth's mother ad my father." He said it so seriously that the guy and Annabeth brke out laughing and Percy looked at them laughing and started to laugh too while the lady tried to keep a poker face but it didn't exactly work. She ended up just smiling.

Mcgonagall looked at them like they were cray-cray and then I said,"Let me take care of this, problem" and Mcgonagall nodded. "CRUCIO!" at Percy and it hit him he fell to the ground twitching and groaning,"Annabeth." or "Tartarus." every few seconds.

I looked at Mcgonagall and she had her mouth to the ground and looking at me in amazment. Not good amazment.... Bad amazement. I realized Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and George were doing it to.

I looked at the lady and the man and the man's eyes looked liked a fire had gone off in them. The woman's had a little less fire. But Annabeth.. Well  I don't know where she is she had dissapeared after I cast the spell that will make me a hero again.

Then suddenly I had a dagger at my neck and Annabeth was glaring at me. She could have easily cut off my head but an earthquake started and Athena and Annabeth looked at Poseidon and he put his hands up innocently.

The earthquake was so big the castle came crashing down. We gasped and ran. Percy was on the ground with his fist squeezed. It was him. The one who caused my second home to come crashing down.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!!" I screamed at Percy and it hit him and he went lifeless. Annabeth was crying and Poseidon and Athena were glaring at me and I just laughed."If I killed the great hero of Olympus you guys have been through nothing." I said.

At that Percy stood up and said,"What hap..AHHHH!!!!" he said noticing what he had done. He jumped back before a chuck came down on him and I noticed that that was a part of the Gryffindor common room.

Percy and his dad closed their eyes and water came to bring everything back into it's place and was somehow pretty much flued itself together. 

Wow. He destroyed my home and then rebuilded it. But that wasn't the only thing on my mind. He survived the killing curse.

Percy POV

Harry screamed some words at me and I felt pain. I dealt with it because I went in the river styx and this wasn't half as bad.

Suddnly I was getting visions of Tartarus. Me being tortured for info and me rising up to get Annabeth's punishment.

I suddenly woke up feeling fine and turned around and said,"What hap.. AHHHH!!!!!" And saw that my dad or I had caused an earthquake to happen. A very big earthquake.

My dad looked at me in astonishment and I turned around and focused on the water carrying up piees of the tower and gluing it together.

When I opened my eyes the whole tower was down and I was tired. I passed out.

Annabeth POV

I didn't know what Crucio did but if it made him think about Tartarus I wanted to kill him. Badly. I put on my invisiblilty cap and he smiled like he was proud.

Next thing he knew I had my dagger to his neck. He looked down at me when an earthquake started. I looked at Poseidon and he had his hands up in innocence.

He was looking at Percy and I decided to look at him too he had his fists clenched and then suddenly we heard a loud rumbling and hogwarts was falling down. 

"AVADA KEDAVRA!!!!!" Harry yelled at Percy and he lied lifeless. I cried and, then to my astonishment  Percy was getting up.

He said something that I couldn't hear over the thumping of my heart and then he screamed turning around and looking at the earthquake and made it stop.

He closed his eyes along with his father and they rebuilded the castle.

Poseidon POV

Can I just kill the boy? I asked Athena in my mind. No they are supposed to be our allies not enemies. I groaned as a huge earthquake started.

Athena and Annabeth looked at me and I raised my hands instantly as I noticed that Percy was doing it.

This is the biggest earthquake ever. I have no power compared to whoever made this and then I realized that Percy was making it.

To my astonishment... I was scared.  My son made such a big earthquake that Olympus could probably feel it.

The castle fell down and Larry Pooper said,"AVADA KEDAVRA." He said and then Percy stopped twitching and Harry laughed an evil laugh.

"If I killed the great hero of Olympus, you have been through nothing." Than as if on cue, Percy got up and started to talk and then he turned around and screamed as a piece of the building almost came down on him. He jumped out of the way just in time.

We closed our eyes and the castle put itself back together. Suddenly he passed out. I picked him up and threw him in the lake. He got up and said,"What the. Where am. What?" we all laughed.

He saw Harry and stuck his tongue out at him and said,"Off to camp we go!" and Athena and I laughed.

He whistled and I smiled. Blackjack is one of my favourite horses. He came around the school and Percy jumped on his pegasi, kissed Annabeth on the cheek and  glanced at Athena.

He laughed at her reaction and they flew off into the sunset.

Harry POV

Anger. All I felt was anger. My secret plan was to hurt Percy in front of Poseidon to show I was stonger and then Poseidon would disown him and adopt me and give me his blessing.

But all I got was more hatred towards me. Even Ginny had broken up with me. Ron and Hermione weren't talking to me and I heard a voice in my head.

Do you want your revenge on Perseus? the voice asked yes of course I replied Join me and I will let you torture him until he dies.

I smiled at the thought and said Who are you? I am Kronos king of the Titan's and future Destroyer of Olympus. Will you join me? the voice replied.



Cliffy!!! Follow me!!! Enjoy the story comment! ! ! P.s Thanks to the readers for getting m to 1k!! What should happen in the next chappie? Tell me!

Emazing Emma

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