World of Goo pt 4

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(stop me)
Tho goo is a harmless, sweet, cute, innocent creature(stOp mE PleASe) if you somehow manage to accidentally eat it because goo isn't very smart(no offense to my little children) and one might accidentally crawl it's way onto your food or something, you'll be fine for a bit, but then it will start growing inside of you, until there is literally f u c k i n g  g o o  living inside your body. What happens next(what comes next, you've been freed, do you know how hard it is to lead) is this:
1. The goo starts moving around inside you, making you want to eat less
2. You start throwing up the goo that that has been living inside you
3. You pass out
4. You have to get the goo removed somehow before it spreads and you do

(JEEZ HOW THE F U C K  DID I MANAGE TO TURN AN INNOCENT GAME I LIKE INTO THIS. Also should I write a fanfic on this? I think I'm going to)

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