Chapter One

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The girls of my English class were all crowded around a table in the back of the classroom , they were giggling and looking at something on the blonde ones phone. I tried to strain to listen to them , but I'm to far away from them. What are they swooning over? I quickly write done the rest of my essay and rise from my chair. I take a deep breath and square my shoulders , I'm going to talk to the group of girls. With shaky legs I make my way over to them , I stand awkwardly in front of them - smiling shyly. The redhead who I believe is named Chelsea looks up first , her eyes widen. "Guys." She whispers to the other and one by one they all look up - shocked. I flush "I was .... wondering ... what you guys .. were umm giggling over," I stutter out , I play absentmindedly with the hem on my shirt. The blonde one smirks "So bookworm talks, shocking!" She exclaims and looks up and down my body. I feel self conscious in my clothes. I nod "We were talking about Christian Grey , you know the football captain ." Chelsea mutters and looks to the blonde on who chuckles. "I know who that is." I whisper to them. Yes I do know who Christian Grey is - tall , grey eyes , beautiful smile. The blonde one smirks "I'm surprised you do , since you never stop reading or stop eating." I inhale sharply and feel my cheeks heat up again , wow what a bitch. I clear my throat as i watch the girls at the table all chuckle, they're all laughing at me. Why? Because my glasses? Or my weight?

I chew on my lower lip then release it and stand up straighter, and i don't know what makes me blurt this out but I do. "Well actually , he and I have been seeing each other. We went out on a couple of dates." The girls around the table all stop everything and blanch. Why did I say that! My subconscious has passed out. I , Anastasia Steele have just made up the biggest lie. Chelsea is the first one to speak "No way ," She mumbles and looks to the blonde on in disbelief. I hold my head up higher and laugh bitterly "Yes way , hes a great kisser too." FUCK! My subconscious is screamin for me to shut up but like vomit I jjust keep going. "We went to eat at Reds then walked around downtown , he is so funny. We really like each other." The blonde one is gaping at me "Youre not his type though!" She exclaims and looks around the table at the other girls. One of them speaks up "Yeah , he likes skinny girls not fat ones." I blanch and stutter out "Well he likes me , so get over it." And I gather myself and walk away - leaving them all speechless.

At lunch everyone is staring at me - especially the football team. As I sit down in my usual spot a small Chinese girl comes up to me. "Are you really dating Christian Grey?" She asks and I pause , do I say yes? I smile awkwardly "Yes , why?" Did I just lie again! My subconscious is scowling at me. The girl eyes widen "Wow , that's cool." Then she walks away and sits back at her table and says something to her friends.

I try to enjoy my book , but every time someone walks past me - they ask me about Christian and I say . yes we are going out. i don't even know why I'm doing this. Ugh , I rub my hands over my face and throw away my trash - just as the bell rings.

I walk down the crowded hallway and head towards history class - when i see him. He is standing at the end of the hallway , looking as beautiful as ever- his hair perfectly tousled , smoky grey eyes and pink full lips. He is talking to a guy when I pass by. I don't look at him but he looks at me , i can feel his eyes burning the back of my head and in that moment I realize something. Christian Grey knows I lied about us dating. I scream inside my head and Alstom want to cry , what will he say? Will he be offended?

When i reach history , my only friend Remy is sitting at the table gaping at me. His mouth is open like a fish "What the fuck Annie!" his fat hand waves around in my face. I sigh and take my seat "So you know?" Remy scowls at me "The whole fucking school knows!" he whisper shouts and I huff. I pull off my glasses and clean them on the hem of my t-shirt "Why Annie?" Remy mutters and looks at me expectantly , i shrug "I don't know , i was in the moment - those girls were making me sound so ugly and boring. And I've always liked him." I admit and a blush spreads across my cheeks. Remy rolls his eye's "Just because you've always had a crush on the guy - doesn't mean you make up some story!" He exclaims , his blue eyes wide behind his glasses. I scowl at him "i wasn't thinking okay? Lay off me ." I sigh and run my hands through my long brown hair - this is horrible. I cant believe I've dug myself this big of a hole. Remy looks towards the front of the classroom just as the teacher starts talking , "You better hope Christian doesn't make a fool out of you." He mutter and my inside tighten. i chew on my bottom lip and gaze out the window - outside is gloomy and raining. What a shitty day.

History flies by in a blur and before I realize , Remy is tapping my arm "Hey , class is over - see you tomorrow." He grabs his books then walks out of the classroom. I gather my books and bag then take a deep breath and head into the hallway.

I'm just about to walk outside when a hand grabs my arm gently , then a familiar voice speaks "Anastasia right?" Fuck , fuck , fuck! Its Christian! I scream inside my head and turn around , yanking my arm from his grip - I look up into his smoky grey eyes and nod timidly , my cheeks burning. He smirks and clears his throat "Well from the sound of it - you know my name." His voice is cold and harsh - he's pissed. My throat closes , i don't know what to say . Sorry? Christian narrows his eyes at me "Why did you lie? I don't even know you," He whispers , I shrug "I don't .. know" I stutter and tears well up in my eyes. No don't cry! Christians face softens "Look , I didn't mean to be a dick. Just don't lie about me anymore alright?" Christian speaks and unexpectedly tucks a loose strand of my hair behind my ear - my breath hitches and I look up into his eyes once more. "I wont lie again , I apologize." I mutter , completely and utterly mortified. Christian smrirks again and pulls his hand away "If you wanted to talk to me , you could have just asked for my number from somone." My cheeks feel redder than ever and I cnat speak. What did he just say? I clear my throat awkwardly and chew my bottom lip "Do you want my number?" Christian asks and I cnat tell if hes teasing or for real.

I let out an uneasy laugh and swallow thickly "Umm i don't know if youre joking or not." I mean why would greek god Christian Grey want me to have his number? Christian chcukles and pulls out his phone "Give me yours," WHAT! My eyes widen , I look from his phoen to his eyes - is he serious? "Really?' I cant keep the shock out of my voice "Really , what is it?" He is completely serious - no humor anywhere. Holy shit. I nod "Its .. umm .....573-2991." Christian nods and presses my number into his phone then looks up at me with a breathtaking smile "See you later Anastasia," Then he turns on his heel and walks to his black Audi.

I stand glued to my spot until he pulls out of the parking lot. Did Christian Grey really just get my number? My subconscious is screaming with joy A grin breaks out on my face and I giggle then begin walking home.

It's around midnight when my phone buzzes , my heart jumps to my throat and I quickly grab it from the nightstand. There is an text messge with a number I don't recognize, the text reads 'Hey , its Christian. Do you want to have lunch with me tomorrow?" I squeal and quickly type back 'Hi and yes I would like to have lunch with you but we don't have the same lunch period ;('

I place the phone back down on the night stand and wait for it to buzz , is this really happening? IS Christian Grey actually interested in me? I smile from ear to ear when my phone buzzes again - 'Don't worry about that ;). I'll see you at y

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