Chapter Two

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The next morning I get up extra early , I straighten my hair , apply simple makeup then begin to pick out my outfit.

My closet stands before me - seeming smaller than ever. I have nothing cute to wear , just jeans and more t-shirts. Nothing that will impress Christian. I groan , what the hell am I going to wear! I take a deep breathe and pull out a pair of denim shorts then a simple navy V-neck t-shirt. This will have to do. I quickly dress and head downstairs.

My mother does a double take when she sees me , her mouth drops open. "Honey you look beautiful," She mutters then takes a sip of her coffee , I smile awkwardly "Thanks mom,' I grab a handful of grapes. "Who are you trying to impress?" My mom raises her perfect eyebrow at me , I flush and shove three grapes in my mouth "No one , bye!" I say around a mouthful of grapes.

My walk to school seems longer than usual , I have butterflies in my stomach. I am having lunch with Christian Grey , the star football player and the most handsome guy at our school.

Teens are buzzing outside the school , I make my way through the crowd when someone grabs my arm. "Hey Ana ," I know that voice. I turn around quickly and there he is , wearing dark denim jeans and a red polo - his hair is artfully tousled and his eyes shine. I blush and let out a nervous laugh "Hi ," I squeak. The corners of Christians mouth quirk up "How was the rest of your night?" I shrug "Dull , I had tons of homework." Christian grimaces with agreement "Same , well I have to go but we're still on for lunch right?" I nod almost to eagerly "Yep , I'll see you then." He flashes me his panty dropping smile than disappcears into the sea of teens.

Christian :

Bryce , my best friend is waiting for me when I walk into first period . He is wearing a smirk "So you're going out with little miss glasses huh?" I nod and take my seat , he follows and sits beside me. "May I ask why?" Bryce mutters and looks at me with confusion "I don't know , she's seems cool." Or maybe it was the fact that she has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. Bryce's eyes widen and he shakes his head "Oh so its a pity date , now I understand." I scowl at him "Its not a pity date asshole." Bryce chuckles "Dude be honest , she's not that pretty nor does she have a killer body." I shake my head in exasperation "We're just having lunch , chill the fuck out." I spit at him , just as the teacher starts speaking .

I stretch my neck from side to side, I'm pissed off and need to cool off. Bryce rolls his eyes at me then leans close to my ear "Maybe she'll be easy," I scowl at him but don't reply. Why am I so upset? I barely know Ana. I usually laugh and bullshit with Bryce about girls all the time. Why is it different this time?

All the way up until lunch , I'm restless and everyone is fucking pissing me off. I almost fought this kid for bumping into me. What the fuck is my problem? Am I really that excited to see Ana again?

As I'm lost in my thoughts someone grabs my arm. Fuck don't touch me! I jerk my arm away quickly "What?" I snarl and see its a cheerleader , I almost instantly scowl. She bats her lashes at me "What are you doing tonight Chris?" her hand reaches for my arm again but I move out of her reach. Don't touch me girl! I don't like to be touched. I involuntarily shiver - remembering the man screaming at me while he burnt his cigarettes into my chest. "Are you listening?" Tiny cheerleader squeaks and waves her hand in front of my face , I clear my throat and nod "Sure ," Then I walk off , tiny cheerleader yells after me "Party starts at 10!" Fuck a party? I can't drink nor do I want to actually go. Maybe Ana will want to go with me . I pause , where did that come from?

Ana is sitting at a lunch table to the far right , she is staring intently down at her lunch. I quietly walk over and slide into the bench across from her, "Hey cutie," Cutie? Since when do I say that? Ana jumps and looks up - a pretty blush spreading across her cheeks , "Hey," She says and seems pleasantly surprised.
I smile at her "Anything good?" I gesture down to her lunch , Ana grimaces and crinkles her nose "No it's nachos , but they're soggy." She pouts and I can't help but smile wider. "Well you shouldn't waste food," Especially when kids starve everyday. Ana rolls her eyes "You sound like my mom," She chuckles and blushes once again.
I shrug and smirk at her "So Ana , what are your hobbies or things you like to do?" She shrugs then un-expectantly begins to chew on her bottom lip. Holy fuck , that's hot.
My cock stirs in agreement. I clear my throat and tear my greedy eyes away from her mouth "I like books ," Ana lets out a nervous giggle. I smile "I figured ," Ana nods "I know , everyone thinks I'm a weird book worm," Her tone is sad , almost like she secretly hates it but would never admit that it bothered her. 

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