Chapter Three

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My eyes are rimmed with black eyeliner and my eyelashes have two coats of mascara. My lips are rosy red with lipgloss. I am dressed in jeans and a lacy tank top. Party appropriate..... I think.

"Mom can I take the car?" I slip into my black flats and say a quick prayer that she says yes. My mother Carla appears from the kitchen "Why honey?" Her eyes run up the length of my body , I nervously push my glasses back up my nose "I have this thing for history , a bunch of us are meeting at a friends house." Carla raises her eyebrows in pleasant shock "Friend?" I nod , a blush spreading across my cheeks. "Yes mom ," Carla nods and smiles "Be safe and be home by 11 o'clock okay?" I return her smile "Thanks mom and I will."

Jessica's house is huge , a white modern mansion. I immediately feel out of place parking my mom's beat up Honda next to an Porsche. What am I doing here? My stomach forms a ball of anxiety, I am panicking.
I walk up the steps of the mansion and knock , I can hear the bass of the music blaring.
I wait and wait but soon realize no one can hear me knocking. I turn the doorknob and the door opens , I take a deep breath and walk inside.


"Here have another," Bryce hands me my third shot of tequila, I quickly tip it back. I grimace as it burns my threat "Fuck no more!" My vision is starting to get blurry , I can't get wasted. Bryce grins "Pussy!" I scowl at him "Don't start with me , I'm going to get a beer." I wobble over to the keg and grab a red solo cup. My vision blurs as I get the beer , fuck am I tipsy off of three shots? I'm turning into a light weight.

I take a sip of the lukewarm beer , gross. I toss out the rest and some movement catches my eyes - it's an ass in a pair of tight jeans. Fuck. Who is that? I squint to see a haze of mahogany hair , hmmm.
"Chris you came!" A blaring sting of pain rushes through my arm where Jessica is touching it , I jerk my arm away before the darkness enfolds me. "Don't call me Chris," I scowl and walk toward the mahogany haired girl.

As I walk closer I recognize the body and girl , fuck it's Ana. The girl I stood up today. I swallow thickly and watch as she talks to some guy , he's obviously flirting with her and I don't like it. Ana laughs at something he says and shakes her head , the guy leans in close to her and I can't take it anymore. I walk over and step between her and the guy "Get lost ," I scowl at him , the guy blanches and without second thought walks away. Ana gasp from behind me , I turn and face her - she looks different. Behind her glasses , her eyes are darker. She's wearing makeup and a great top, it showcases her cleavage perfectly. Fuck grey focus.

I smile at her "You came?" Who invited her? Ana blushes "Bryce invited me," She explains. Bryce? That's why the bastard wanted my phone. I chuckle "I'm surprised you came ," Ana's face falls and she shuffles awkwardly "Umm well ..... I .. never been to a party," Ana mutters and casts her eyes down , I've offended her. Fuck, not what I wanted. I clear my throat "Want a drink?" I offer to make the situation less awkward, Ana shakes her head "I'm driving ," Huh a concerned driver , I'm impressed. "Well a soda?" Come on girl , give a guy a chance. My subconscious is scowling at me and telling she already gave me a chance. Ana smiles "Okay," Yes!

I lead Ana inside the house and into the kitchen , I can feel people's eyes on us - I wish they would fuck off. I scowl in their direction as I pour her a drink , Ana stands silently beside me - not saying anything. It's unnerving. She's too quiet. "Here you go," I hand her the red solo cup , she graciously accepts it and takes a sip her eyes never leaving mine. God , she's beautiful. Why haven't I realized that before?

"I'm sorry about today , I got caught up with my friends and just left. I hope you can forgive me," My ego is hurting  at my words and if she declines it will deflate completely. Ana licks her licks and shrugs "It's fine , I get it. " she smiles and me softly and I know I'm forgiven. I breathe a sigh of relief "How is your first party going so far?" Ana laughs "Fine I guess , it's not everything it's cracked up to be." I laugh "I have to agree with you ," Ana flushes and look out at the crowd - who are grinding on each other to some hip-hop song. "Do you dance?" Ana's eyes find mine "Oh god no," I stifle my chuckle "You can't be that bad," I tease , my grin is reaching my ears. Fuck why does she make me like this?

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