What is Love

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It was a normal day for me. I got up, took a shower, and dried my red hair after. I went back to my room then put on some black shorts and a grey sweater shirt. My life is always the same and the worst thing is, I'm 18 and still  haven't  had a boyfriend or had my first kiss. When I was younger, I would use the excuse that my parents were strict and they wouldn't let me date and I didn't want to go against them, but now I don't real have a good excuse because my parents let me date know and I'm 18 so I'm kinda like an adult now.

I just graduated from high school and started collage. Some of ya'll might think that I'm unpopular and that boys don't like me, but that's not the problem. I am popular but all the boys that have liked me and told me that they liked me, I never felt the same way about them. I just saw them as friends or brothers and never saw them as another thing. I hate being popular because you don't have a lot of good friends, you only get fake friends, that are just with you to become popular.

After I got dressed, I go to get my white converse and my Michael Kors purse with my collage books then went to my car and drive to Vassar collage. When I got there my friend Kira and Alyssa and my fake friends, Jane, Alexandra, Linda, and some others were waiting for me, so they could start telling me that I'm getting to old and that I need to find me a boyfriends and that they could help me get a boyfriend. It's always the same with them the only people that don't say that to me are Kira and Alyssa.

They are my only true friends that I can trust. After they were done telling me I needed to get a boyfriend before its to late and become a cat lady, we walked to our classes, which, thank god, I only had Kira in my first college class. The good thing is, today, I only had one collage class so the rest of the day was free. After my psychology class, Kira and I went to my car and waited for Alyssa to get out of her class so we could get some food, before we had to go to work.

Twenty minutes later, we got into my car and I drove us to Wendy's. When we got our food we went to our seats and ate and talked about things that happened in class or about their crushes. After we ate, we went to the animal shelter, which was where we worked, taking care of animals. I never felt like this was a job because I love taking care of animals so I was always happy to go to work. Another reason why I love to work here is because I get home sick a lot and taking care of the animals helps me not be so homesick.

I am living in New York until I graduate from college. After I graduate I might go back to where my parents are living. Don't get me wrong, I love New York, it's where I was born and where a lot of my family lives, but my parents aren't living here and I have never been apart from them for so long. At least I have my friends, which are going to move in with me, so I'm not that lonely. I have been thinking of adopting a puppy, but I don't know if my apartment would allow me to have a puppy.

At five, we got out of work and went to Kira's place to get her things because we needed to do a project for Psychology. After she got her things, we were thinking of going to the movies but we couldn't decide what movie to watch, so we went to Starbucks, where we finally agreed with a movie. After we watched the movie we went to drop off Alyssa and went to my house to work on our project. While we were doing our project, Jane texted me, inviting me, Alyssa, and Kira to her party.

I really didn't want to go because everyone that was going had a boyfriend and, what is love, that I have never been in a relationship which makes me feel sad because I'm the only one that doesn't know what having a boyfriend is like or what you do when your on a date or what to do or say. While I was thinking this, I didn't realize I started crying. Why do I always get emotional when it comes to relationships or having your first kiss? "What's wrong?" Kira asked. I really didn't want to tell her because its stupid.

Why do I care if I haven't had my first kiss or my first boyfriend? I still have time. I mean I'm only eighteen, its not like I'm too old and if I don't get a boyfriend right know then I would never get to get one. The thing is I shouldn't care if Jane and the others keep telling me that I'm getting older and I need a boyfriend right now so I can keep being popular. When I'm with other people, I put a smile and act like the things they say to me don't hurt. Yet, inside I'm crying for help wanting for someone or my parents to tell me everything is going to be ok.

You don't need a boyfriend to have a lot of friends or to make me popular or to make me happy. At that very moment I really wished that my mom lived close so I could hug her and so I could feel like everything was going to be ok. So she could say that I need to stop stressing about stupid things but I didn't have my mom close, so I was all alone, trying to be the happy friend in the group and hiding the sad part of me that just wants to stay at the animal shelter forever.

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