When Sadness Starts

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When I woke up that morning I felt so sick. I didn't want to get out of bed, I just wanted to stay in bed and never get up, but I knew that it wasn't possible. I had  to get up and get ready to go to my college class, and the worst part is, that today I had four classes, so there was no way to just stay home and forget about everything. I get up and go take a shower because showers always help me wake up.

After I got out the shower, I dried my hair and did a waterfall braid with curls. When I was done with my hair I went to my room to but on some blue jeans with a white tank top and a grey sweater shirt that said,"New York," and a scarf. I still felt a little down so I went to the bathroom and put on some brown in the crease of my eye and a shimmery white shadow on my eyelids and did my eyeliner for the top and waterline.

Once I was done with that I put on a little bit of lip gloss and walked to my living room to get my UGG boots, Pure water, and books. While I was looking for my car keys I remember that Kira had stayed over, so that we could do our project. I ran to the guest room and knock on her door to wake her up because if she didn't get up we would be late for class. Twenty minutes later she was finally done getting ready and eating breakfast.

We went to the car, got in, and went to Alyssa's apartment, where she lived with her boyfriend. Alyssa usually rides with her boyfriend but today she didn't because he went on a trip to see his parents, so I have to pick her up and take her home because her boyfriend took her car. Today wasn't my day it was a grey cloudy day there was no sunlight and no happiness. The more I was in that college the more sad and gloomy I felt.

I didn't want my friends to know this, so I fake a smile and laughed and told jokes and acted like my normal self. I was really hating today because all my friends were hanging out with there boyfriend well except Alyssa. Something that no one knows about is that I did have crushes but after my crush broke my heart and laughed in my face, I haven't been able to love anyone. My crush's name was Ethan  I still talk to him and see him but I can't ever forget what he did.


I was walking to my favorite place to eat lunch and thinking about what Ethan had asked me. I didn't know if I could date him, I mean if my parents find out they might send me to an all girl school, and I really like this school. I couldn't believe my eyes. Jane, my so-called best friend, was kissing the boy that I liked since middle school. I was so shocked that I just stood there until I felt a hand touch my shoulder. After that I ran to the bathroom and went  to a stall and cried the whole entire lunch time. When lunch was over I went out the bathroom stall, fixed my makeup, and acted like I didn't cry.

                                                             *BACK TO PRESENT DAY*

To this day they are still dating. I never told anyone that I had a crush on him or of what happened that day I had found them kissing. I was walking to get some lunch when I see Ethan  with Jane kissing and just being real happy. I wanted to run to my car and go to my apartment  and never leave my apartment again, but I couldn't do that to them because, even though they are my fake friends, they still were my friends. I had to get over it and not run away from my problems and just face them.

So after I got the courage to go to them and say hey to them, they were gone, so I just walked to the soda machine and got me a bottle of water. Once I got the water bottle it was time for my last class of the day. After my last class, I went to my car and waited for Alyssa and Kira so we could go to Starbucks, because I really needed some coffee or something because I was feeling worse the longer the day went. When we got to Starbucks, I order a cinnamon roll frappe to-go.

When they finally give me the drink, I drove to the animal shelter because we had to work today. I was so happy when we got there. The puppy's were so happy to see us, they wouldn't stop barking at me to play with them. While I was giving food to the animals, I noticed that there was this puppy that looked sick, so I ran to look for the manger to tell him. When I found him and told him about the puppy, he went and looked at it and said that if someone didn't take care of her then she could die.

Without thinking I said that I was going to take her home and take care of her. Today we got out of work early, so I decided to take the puppy, that I named Princess, to the vet. Before I took Princess to the vet, I dropped off Kira and Alyssa at there apartments. When I got to the vet they quickly took her so they could check her. It hasn't been an hour and they still hadn't told me anything about her.

I was starting to get worried when the doctor came in and told me she's okay, the only thing she needed was some rest and to take the pills that he  prescribed everyday and lots of love and care. I was so happy she was okay, so after I got out of the vet, I went to my apartment to drop Princess off, so I could go get her some food and a bed and a blanket and a couple dog trays.

I was so shocked that they let me keep her in my apartment. After I bought the things and gave her food, water, and her pill, I went to the kitchen and made me something to eat because i hadn't eaten anything that whole day. While eating I started doing my homework and finishing my project. I was starting to feel a little better, until Jane sent me a picture of her and Ethan.

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