¡ rules !

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0.01; you must add this book
to your library in order to get
notifications from the next update.

0.02; be nice. we don't want to
deal with any arguments and this
was only made for fun, so please
respect everyone else or else we
won't hesitate to ban you from this book.

0.03; please, please, please, be neat
while making your form. we don't want
slang or any messy stuff because we can't
understand what you're saying.

0.04; NO mary-sues. please, just no.

0.05; for gods sake, be creative. we don't
want no originality + we also want details.

dm us the password, it'smari's and lizzie's ultimate biases,then we'll give you the formafter we make the slots

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dm us the password, it's
mari's and lizzie's ultimate biases,
then we'll give you the form
after we make the slots.

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