Author's Note

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Normally, I read fics about Lucy leaving Fairy Tail because everyone just hates her for some reason cause she's 'weak', and Lisanna is just 'so much stronger than her'. And Lucy becomes an everything dragon slayer, and her mother is usually the Celestial Queen and actually has been alive this whole time!

I hate those stories. I know that they're probably fun to write but I still hate them. If you have to make every single character OOC for your plot to make sense, then it's not a good plot. 

So, I thought to make a 'Lucy leaves Fairy Tail' story of my own but with a much better reason for her leaving. 

Lucy joins Blue Pegasus in this fic, and since I wanted to ship her with someone, this became a Hilu story.

I don't even ship Hilu (at the time of this Author's Note, I shipped Nalu) but I'm proud of myself for managing to write a decent fic about a ship I don't actually ship.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this fanfiction.

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