Going On A Job

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Author's Note: Thank you so so much, Moongodess_rocks for adding my story to a ton of your reading lists and commenting on it. I never thought that anyone would ever read my story, but you proved me wrong. Moongodess_rocks, I have to say, you rock.


I invited Hibiki and Eve to go on the job with us, and they both agreed. I have to admit, I blushed a little when inviting Hibiki. What can I say? I do have a crush on him.

Alexia bought our train tickets to the village of wherever the job was requested and we got into the train. I sat next to Hibiki and Eve sat next to Alexia. I could tell that the archive wizard was nervous about being so close to me.

I looked at Alexia and saw her winking. That means that I have to make some kind of move. Knowing me, I would probably fail.

I yawned and noted how Alexia was winking madly at me. That looked kind of creepy. I knew she wanted me to do something, but I didn't know what.

Something clicked in my mind and I realized that this was the perfect opportunity to get closer to Hibiki. And I meant literally closer.

"Hibiki, can I sleep on your shoulder? I'm kind of sleepy but I can't sleep leaning on my chair."

I immediately saw how flushed he became and did the same.

He replied, hesitantly."Of course. I don't want you to fall asleep on our job."

I leaned on his shoulder, taking in his scent. He smelled like cologne. It smelled great and I had to keep myself from sniffing him.

I started to doze off, but before I did, I felt something on my hand. I almost gasped, seeing what it was. Hibiki had placed his hand on top of mine. I knew it wasn't an accident, he must really like me.

I flipped my hand so that we were holding hands. I went to sleep, dreaming of a princess and her prince.


I felt something nudge my shoulder and screamed, only to see Alexia staring at me with a crazy expression.

She dragged me out of my seat."You didn't tell me that you were planning to hold Hibiki's hand!"

I looked around for the others and didn't spot them."I didn't plan to hold his hand. He put his hand on mine, so I moved my hand and voila. We were holding hands. Where are the others?"

Alexia smiled at me."Good job. Eve and your boyfriend are waiting outside. When I woke Hibiki up, he blushed so much, seeing that I saw you guys cuddling."

I blushed light pink."He's not my boyfriend! And we weren't cuddling!"

My phoenix mage friend rolled her eyes."Totally. Anyway, I have to tell you what happened with me and Eve."

"What happened?"

"He noticed that I was shivering and gave me his jacket!"

"Oh my goodness!! That's amazing!"

The auburn-haired wizard smiled."Look, the boys are here."

I quickly looked up, to see Hibiki smiling at me. I returned the smile and waited for Alexia to tell us where to go.

She told us that we had to go to the center of town, that was where the mayor lived.

While we were walking,I stole a few glances at the man standing next to me. He was doing the same when he thought I wasn't looking.

When we both looked at each other at the same time, I blushed and he followed suit.

I stopped when I saw a sign pointing to a house that read "This Is The Mayor's House".

Eve knocked on the door, being the closest to it, and stood back when a maid opened the door.

"Are you the mages from Blue Pegasus?"She asked us, causing all of us to show her our emblems.

"You can go to the door over there. That's the master's office." She pointed to a door on the other side of the room.

We walked into the room and were greeted by a short man with short black hair and brown eyes sitting behind his desk. He motioned for us to sit on the chairs, with us doing so.

He explained to us how horrible the bandits were, they would always steal the people's goods and items, when they were on the road.

He said that their hideout was behind a line of trees, in the northern part of the forest.

We all went to the location of the hideout while wondering how bad these bandits were.

Were they mages? Did they use weapons? Were there a lot of them? These questions filled my head as we trekked to the location.

Alexia stopped, her being in the lead, at a long line of trees.

She started to walk over to the line of trees."This must be it, the place the mayor was talking about."

She pushed the trees to reveal a shabby looking hideout. We all followed her until she reached the door.

"Stand back. Phoenix Flame Roar!" Alexia shouted, causing the door to catch on fire and break into pieces.

I looked inside and saw five people inside, looking at us with death glares.

"Phoenix Flame Fist!" Alexia wasted no time to get rid of these thieves.

Two of them rushed to fight her, and one of them ran to us each, noticing that she was much stronger than the rest of us.

"Open, Gate of the Lion!Leo!" Leo appeared next to me.

"What should I do, Lucy?" The spirit asked me.

"Defeat this guy!" I shouted at Leo.

He began to shoot light at them standing before me, who was dodging Leo's attacks(Lucy calls the leader of the Zodiac Leo, because she left Fairytail, meaning that the whole Loke is Leo thing, never happened).

I summoned Virgo, telling her to help Leo.

Somehow, the bandit fighting Leo and Virgo managed to dodge all their attacks.

He shouted "Rock Shoot!" and a ton of rock was thrown at Leo and Virgo.

"NO!" I shouted while watching my spirits go back to the spirit world.

I took out my whip, Fleuve d'étoiles, and tried to hit him with it.

He kept on dodging, as I was slowly losing magic power. I was exhausted.

I looked around to see everyone battling someone. There was no one to help me.

The last thing I heard was "Rock Ball!" before I blacked out.

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