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Jenette's Pov

"Li-eona(wake up) you will be late for your first day of school"-mom

"B-but ma!"-me

"No buts, get in the bathroom and get ready for school"-mom

Then She went out of my room , I stretched my arm to reach my phone which was on my side table,I switched it on and I saw the time ......

"Really?she woke me up at this time?"


I saw the time on my phone it was '4:30' in the morning

Well better do what the boss says or else...

My mom was the only one who took care of me since my dad died when I was 6

But...ughh...nevermind ,so I went to the bathroom took a shower after that I took a bathrode and wore it while I went to my dresser

I took out my uniform and wore it

Then after that mom suddenly called

"Breakfast is ready my dear"-mom

"I'll come down in a minute"-me

I took my bag and went down already

The I sat on the table wating for ma to sit with me ,it was like my habit aready that before I eat all the people in the house must be there

Then my mother sat beside me

I saw the eggs and bacon and started to drool so I took and Egg and two pieces of bacon the handed my mom some food

"Oh!before I forget,the principal will give you the scedule,your locker key and eveything you need"-mom

"Okay,I should get going it's already '6:45' -me

I said goodbye to my mom and took my phone ,since our house was near the school I walked slowly looking at my black shoes

But then suddenly I bumped into someone"

"Hey!watch where your going"-luhan


Luhan's Pov

I was walking listening to some music but then suddenly someone bumped into me

"Hey!watch where you going!"-me


"Just get away from me! "-me

She looked a little mad and continued walking to where ever she is going

She left me with my books scattered on the ground so I took it one by one the started walking to class

But as I was going to take a step.......


It was kai's car

"hop on !"-kai

"Good timimg bro,I was gettting A little tired of walking "- luhan

Then we went directly to school

Uggh.. that girl is so annoying ,she left me and never even botherd to help me pick up my books

"What's wrong with you?"-kai

Kai said with a confused look


"Really?then whats that mad look on you face ?"-kai

"Uggh,there is this girl!"-kai

"And ?"-kai

So I told him what happen ......

As he drove until we reached school

"So,thats what happen,but did you know it was your fault ?"-kai

"What!?me? She was the one who bumped into me"-me

"Yeah,I know but she said sorry but then you shouted at her"-kai



Hi guys made a luhan fanfic hope you liked it


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