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*So...how do you guys like this book so far? ( If any of you read it ) leave a comment somewhere. It's like a ghost town in this book,I swear.

*Sorry for not updating. Mainly I don't because I'm positive no one reads this, but writing is fun.

" Alright, I'll see you soon babe, " Molly says.

" Yeah, see you soon,"  Adam says through the phone

When Adam had to go to California for his job, Molly had missed him ever since. They'd been constantly video calling and texting each other, but it didn't feel the same as being face to face. She always found herself wondering what he did so far away, if he talked to other people, other girls-

No, he wouldn't do that. Molly thought to herself. I would have known. She would have seen it in his face. He wouldn't have replied to all her texts. And he wouldn't call her every day. She could trust him.

Not wanting to stay in, she put on a jacket and walked into the cool autumn air. She could remember when she and Adam had walked down this sidewalk, just talking and taking in the view. It had been such a nice day.  

" Molly. " Adam turned to look his girlfriend in the eye. " You know I love you, right? "

" Of course, " Molly laughed. 

" Good. Then this won't be as hard, " he sighed.  " I have to leave for California in a couple days."

" What?! " Molly froze, looking up at Adam.

" It's for work, " he explained, a pleading look on his face. " It's only for a few weeks. I'll be back before you know it. "

" Yeah..." Molly was studying the patterns in the sidewalk, intent on avoiding Adam's gaze. 

Adam gently turned her chin upward. " Molly..." he started, voice soft.

" What now? "

" You know I'd never break up with you just because I'm leaving for a while, " Adam said. " I'd never do that. "

Molly was silent. She didn't want to believe that Adam might be breaking up with her, but she couldn't seem to believe otherwise. There was so much more California could offer to Adam than she ever could here in Minnesota. 

" I'm going to miss you so much, " he said with a smile. " I'll be thinking of getting back to you the entire time. "

" Me too, " Molly murmured. After everything they'd had together, this might be the end. 

Shaking her head of the memory, she walked into a small cafe, taking seat far from anyone else. Opening her phone, she noticed that she had a new notification. It read " Message from Terra_O:  It's so nice to meet you!  Adam said you were his roommate...."

His roommate?

Why would he- Molly tapped on the message, reading it in full:

It's so nice to meet you! Adam said you were his roommate and you shared an apartment in Minnesota. I just wanted you to know that I'm dating him now and he's the such a sweet guy. Of course, I'm sure you already know. He told me he came here on a work trip, but plans on staying here with me. He also asked if you could "take care of some things" for him. He didn't say what, but I'm guessing you know what he meant.  

Teary eyed, Molly got up from her seat and walked out of the cafe. After everything they'd had together, Adam had cheated on her.

* Well that was pretty bad. I kinda rushed it. But to be honest, this girl was stupid af. Like how do you just expect your boyfriend not to be tempted by all the pretty beach blondes??

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