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Today, my wings will finally savour the delectable taste of freedom. At last, shall I finally be able to soar. I stand at the edge of a steep cliff, breathing in the amazing scent of the salty ocean below. I feel the cool, gushing wind blowing lightly at my brown hair and shirt as it clings onto my skin desperately. The sky is a magnificent royal blue and is as clear as sparkling wine.

Standing here makes me think of the future that I could have. I could go to law school to pursue my dreams of becoming a lawyer. Marry and have children. But the thought slowly crumbles down to my feet. That'll never be able to happen, I realise.

Not a single tear runs down my cheek. My face is stoic and I feel like an empty void. My eyes are gleaming with anticipation and I want to get this over and done with, but I can't help just gaze longingly at the landscape for one last time.

I capture this moment and it feels like eternity standing here. It feels as if I'm trapped in time, until I hear a loud vehicle pull up from far behind me, its wheels crushing on the pebbles and dust. The hop of feet crunch noisily down onto the ground and I hear the voice that I'd longed to never hear again.

"Louisa...please," Ashton calls. "Don't do this. You're going to hurt yourself!"

"Well no shit, Ashton," I grit my teeth together as I reply back sourly. Just the mere existence of him itches my skin but I still can't help feel the little butterflies churning in my stomach.

"We can work something out!"

I hear his shoes tapping against the rock as he hurriedly makes his way towards me. It's now or never. My heart is going wild and it feels as though it's going to jump out of my chest. A new surge of adrenaline pumps through my veins and I squeeze my eyes tightly shut. 

Straightening my arms, I plummet down. 

"Louisa, no! Fuck!

I feel the sea breeze as I get closer, but the moment doesn't last forever. A sharp, distinct rock suddenly blocks my view and it strikes my head, knocking me out cold. 

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