heyy guys its the author here HOHO ok im weird well this is my first story hope yall enjoy it becuz most of it is based on a true life story but turned into ff im changing the story as i write it btw :)Most of it is thanks to my friends/ex friends who gave me all the experience so thank you for them (if ur reading this)
I dont really write stories alot becuz im those lazy types HAHA and i tend to use vulgarity here and there so please if ur those innocent type and wanna stay like that no cursing in your life i suggest this aint for you also i dont use korean word much ...
ANYWAYS , lets get on wif our story and its going to be quite short(?) sorry and TIME TO START ....
Y/N ( basically you ) your 13 years old , born on 25th January 2004 , so far in your 13 years you didn't have a very nice smooth life as you expected. Your the only child in the family which isn't what you wanted but have no choice
'Ugh tomorrow is the first day of high school SOOOOO not ready to start it even' you thought to yourself , you were lying near the edge of you bed staring at your school books which you dumped in one side of your room after you bought them with your dad. "If only mom was still around." you mumbled to yourself...
It was the year 2015 you were already preparing for you End of School Year Exams , which was next year , but you didnt want to dissapoint mom so you studied hard. When you came home one day you noticed no one was home as it was dead silent
"Mom? Dad?" You said out loud. But no one replied , you got worried so you reached your backpocket for your phone and scrolled through you contacts , stopping as you spotted 'Dad'. You called him again and again 5 times no answer. So you waited till it was dinner time and they were suppose to be home , but they werent. You called Dad again whilst checking the time , ' Its already 8.45 pm ' you thought to yourself ... Finally you heard " hello? Y/N-ah..."
"Dad! What happened how come you and ma arent home yet?!"
" My dearest daughter Y/N , i would only be able to come home wif your Mom at 12 midnight due to some medical issues your mom has so go to bed early and we'll see you tomorrow morning yea?"
"Arraseo Dad. Goodnight see you tomorrow ."
You couldn't sleep for a while so you tossed and turned until you slowly fell into deep sleep till the next morning , when you heard Dad calling you and shaking you gently. "Y/N wake up dear , its time for our talk."You woke up grumbling abit as you slowly remembered what happened last night , you washed up and got ready for school waiting for an explanation as fast you could.....

It Hurts ( KNJ FF )
RandomYou woke up grumbling abit as you slowly remembered what happened last night , you washed up and got ready for school waiting for am explanation as fast you could.....