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"quick question."


"what did you mean when you said you were kind of royalty?" you asked quietly.

"well i'm not a prince or anything." he chuckled. "but i am quite famous i guess you could say, i don't like saying that because that's not how i see myself but that's usually what other people see me as."

"what are you famous for?"

"me and my twin, ethan who's over there that denim vest, make videos. we used to be big on vine before moving to youtube."

"so basically a social media star?"

"i guess you can put it that way."

"do you have an instagram?" he asked.

"no, i've thought about making one but couldn't bring myself to do it."

"but i do have a twitter."

"what your user?" he asked as he pulled out his phone.

"@royaltea" you said.

"that's actually really funny." he said while searching you up.

"yea i thought so too, when my friend suggested it i couldn't stop giggling at it the whole day." you chuckled.

"well i'm pretty done." you said as you put the cone down.

"that's so sick." he said with a big grin.

"try not to touch it until it dries and don't peel off the paste for a couple hours, the more it stays on your skin the darker it'll be and the longer it'll last." you said.

"yes sir." he said causing you to giggle.

"is there any chance i could get your number? you for um *clears throat* henna.. purposes?" he asked, a blush rising onto his glowing cheeks.

"yeah." you said biting your lips softly.

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