Part II

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A few years passed, and Lucas turned 12. At this point, he completely gave up the fact that his parents would ever return and he moved on with life. His curiosity worsened over the time, and each time his brother goes out to find food, he would peek outside. Of course, he was already taught what to do at home when everybody's out, but he wanted to go out too. He was tired of living in darkness. He wanted freedom.

One day, he broke the restriction by going outside while his brother was away, and the first thing that struck him was how bright everything was due to the ray of lights from above. He also noticed some strange floating island in the sky above and pondered upon the possibility of going there, and if he could find his parents there. But how can he go there? Surely, it must be a beautiful place.

The place where he stood now, however, was dirty and almost apocalypse-like. There were not many people around and they were mostly either under the skyscrapers or under the view of above, but every single one of them bore something in common: the beautiful "pictures", they have it. Suddenly, Lucas felt as if he was the only odd one out. Surely, the beautiful "pictures" must be some sort of trend that he had missed out. There was a sudden urge in him to etch the beautiful picture on himself because he wanted to be a part of these people; he wanted to be accepted.

Not wanting to be caught in the daylight, he quickly went home. God knows what Ragnar would do to him if he ever finds out. He did not want to be caught in the broad daylight. Upon reaching home, he opened the door and locked it. His chest heaved as he struggled to breathe from all the running he just did. Ragnar came home an hour later, with some food in his hands, and they ate quietly afterwards, before the night fell and they fell asleep.

The next day, Lucas sneakily went out again and then return home. All day, all he could think of was the intriguing "pictures" he saw on most of the people. Something sharp, he thought to himself, he must find something sharp. He wanted the beautiful picture, he wanted to feel alive, he wanted to feel accepted and be a part of his own tribe. When he finally found the sharp object - a knife, that's what they called it, he was sure - he looked at it with wonder and tested the edges. It was perfect.

With one long cut after the other, the surface of his chest area throbbed in pain as blood came pouring out like waterfalls. He heaved in pain and torment, but he knew it will be worth it - all the pain for the "picture" he desired. Days passed, and the picture had become visible to his eyes. He loved it so much, but he hated the pain. However, at the end of the day acceptance was all he wanted.

He began to go out everyday, and he began to notice how the "pictures" were actually formed. He noticed how the people were tortured by the higher ones above, all the whippings and beatings they've taken. All of that resulted in the "pictures" or the scars. Without even realizing, Lucas had made himself marked as a slave of the higher ones above, except that he was still free. But he felt accepted at the same time, so it did not bother him much. The trend of acceptance overpowered his judgement.

One day, Ragnar went out and never return. Lucas waited until dusk, but he did not return. Lucas waited until he could take it no longer but Ragnar never return home, just like their parents. Days turned into months and finally into years, and Lucas struggled to stay alive. He tried his best everyday to look for food, and especially to stay away from the higher ones above. His survival skills were already sharpened since he was younger so it was not a problem.

However, Lucas grew even more depressed with the absence of his loved ones, and began to cut himself more and more. Over the time, the pain became his friend and his depression worsened. Lucas had no one at this point, and he gave up forming bonds because others were too busy trying to survive like him.

Not wanting to live by himself anymore, Lucas tied up a noose one day with a thick rope he found in one of the room. He wanted to commit suicide, and he was determined to. His tiredness of being lonely triggered him to do what he never thought he would do, for he lived a happy life before in the past. He took his sweet time remembering his loved ones and the life he had before they were taken away from him by cruel fate. Death dawned upon him, and he hanged himself, finally free from his miserable end.

You see, my child, a trend can be a burden. It may lead to you a darker path or a lighter path. Choose wisely and be wary. End up like Lucas, and you're a failure. Now, I've ended my story. What's that? Will they ever reunite again, Lucas, Ragnar and his family? Well, that's another story to tell.

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