Hidden Village

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As they emerged from the tree line, Harold whispered to Alfonso and walked out onto what little remained of the training ground. Hundreds of people stood chattering in and about the courtyard while multiple lights floated above their heads, illuminating their happy faces. A sense of excitement lingered in the air, and all former signs of displeasure from being awakened from their sleep had vanished.

Harold sighed.

Their happiness would not last long.

In a sudden upswelling, the clay underneath his feet rose several feet, placing him in easy sight of all who'd gathered.

Harold clapped his hands twice and the townspeople, without further prompting, fell into silence. No doubt they were eager to know why they had been summoned.

"You are most likely wondering why I have asked all of you to come here at such a late hour," Harold spoke, "and why Alf and Olivia were practicing at this time of night.

"I will tell you, but first I must say that everything that is revealed tonight is a matter of life and death. As such, I, Olivia, and Alf will be having you swear an oath of secrecy. From this point on, everyone's life depends on there being no possible traitors among us."

A shudder of shock ran throughout the crowd. The magic lights dimmed, and the sense of excitement faded away.

"I don't mean to question your judgment Harold," Mister Allender raised his voice. "But I don't understand what could be so dire that you ask this of us?"

"Here, here," Mr. Byrne shouted in agreement.

Harold paused. He knew asking people to swear an oath of secrecy would engender questions, especially since swearing such an oath went against everything the Brokovich's stood for. Moreover, once sworn, an oath could not be undone; one would always be bound by magic to never, say, write, or hint at the matter involved.

Alf jumped onto the raised podium and took over. "I know you have questions," he shouted. "But what Harold said is true. This is a matter of life and death. Things have transpired in the Empire which make it impossible for us to live life as we know it, and while it's against my better judgment, " Alf took a deep breath. "I believe it is something that we must have you do."

Mister Allender's countenance fell.

The people began to whisper.

Harold could guess at the thoughts going through the rental shop owner's mind. Alfonso often stated his dislike of secrets; he believed they bred mistrust and caused irreparable damage. Which meant, if the High Lord of Brockovich was asking them to swear an oath, despite his dislike for such things, the situation must be dire indeed.

"I see," Mister Allender said to Alf. "You have never led me astray before. If you say it is necessary, then I will trust you." He pushed his way out of the crowd, and motioning for his wife to join him, walked up to where Olivia prepared the spell.

To everyone's surprise, Mister Dinwiddie joined him. Standing beside Mister Allender, the old codger shook his now unneeded cane at the others. "If the good lad wants us to swear an oath, then we swear that oath. Don't be a bunch of yellow bellied pansies. Get your glutes over here."

"Oh look at him acting like he's always been the agreeable sort. Puts me to shame it does," Ice teased as she took her husband's hand and led several others to the front.

The townspeople and the Brockovich and hospital staff joined the forming line. The students, on the other hand, stood around with bewildered looks on their faces.

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