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Actuating Sphaera: (ˈak(t)SHəˌwāting /ˈsfɛ.ra)

A device designed to be embedded in any weapon. Once there, the learning algorithms inside it enables its user, with extensive usage, to develop skills and then extract said skill(s) from the tool, such as Traverse Wake.

Patuah: (pah-TU-ah)

The act of opening one's magic.

Ra'avah: (rah-av-aw')

The act of channeling energy to your eyes to enable them to see beyond the normal spectrums.

Scrying: (skr-ī-ing)

The usage of water, light waves, and sound patterns to produce an image and/or sound.

Skill Orb: (skil/ awrb)

A tiny mechanical machine containing information that is able to communicate directly with the brain, usually generated by an actuating sphaera.

Traverse Wake: (trəˈvərs/ wāk)

A one of a kind skill developed in an Actuating Sphaera that, once activated by its user, allows his or hers allies to follow them without exerting any energy, seemingly ignoring all laws of physics.

Science aka Magic terms


The rate at which a vibration occurs that constitutes a wave, either in a material (as in sound waves), or in an electromagnetic field (as in radio waves and light), usually measured per second.

Recent science has proven that everything is held together by different Frequencies. In lay man's terms, there is a never ending sound that holds all things in place.

White blood cells:

A class of cells in the blood that form the foundation of the body's immune system.


To insert, or encode, specific operating instructions into a machine or apparatus.

In this case, the program is installed in the human brain, not a machine or apparatus.


A scientific way of imprinting the brain with a program.

How this is done is not disclosed because Alf is hundreds of years in the future and telling you how it is done could end up changing the future, which is something I have sworn to never attempt.


Salts and minerals that can conduct electrical impulses in the body. Common human electrolytes are sodium chloride, potassium, calcium, and sodium bicarbonate. Electrolytes control the fluid balance of the body and are important in muscle contraction, energy generation, and almost every major biochemical reaction in the body.

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