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Jimin's POV

I opened the door of my room when I thought I heard Kirah.

"Kirah you're hom.." I quickly stopped when I saw her turning around wearing only a towel. You can't even call it a towel, it was barely covering her private parts.

My eyes widened and she started to scream. I screamed as well and when I tried to back off she tripped over her own feet and fell...on me.

Kirah opened her eyes and realised she was on me. She wanted to stand up but I stopped her.

"Uhm, I don't think it's a good idea to stand up right now." I said while looking in her eyes and I tried not to look down but I looked.

She looked down as well and saw that her towel has become loose. She knew that if she stood up the towel will fall.

I tried to think of a solution and we were lying in this position in silence for a while.

"Just close your eyes and I'll stand up." Kirah said.

"Do you really think I can close my eyes? Even if I closed them, there is a big possibility they will open again." I mumbled but she heard me and sighed.

"Then what should we do?" She said. I could hear her heart beating and mine was beating even harder.

I looked around and saw that we were near my shirts. I tried to grab a shirt but I couldn't reach it. If my arms were a bit longer..

I looked at Kirah who was still looking at me. "Kirah, don't be surprised okay?" I said and she nodded.

I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight and turned her around. I was now on top and I looked down at her. God, this is really difficult. She was lying there without any protection looking at me. I tried not to look at her body and grabbed a shirt.

I threw the shirt at her and quickly stood up. I left the dressing room and entered my room closing the door behind me.

"Oh my God, my heart..." I lost strength in my legs and sat on the floor. I held my chest and felt my heart was still beating like crazy. I took a deep breath and felt my heart calming down a bit.

My heart started beating hard again when I heard a knock on my door. "Jimin?" I heard Kirah and she knocked again.

I didn't answer her and she stood there for a while. "Thank you and sorry.." she whispered and left to her room.

I gulped and patted my chest calming my heart. I can't live like this with her. I need to find a solution, as soon as possible. I can't move out because of the promise I made with Jin.

I went to bed and tried to sleep but I kept thinking of Kirah. After what felt like hours I finally fell asleep.

I woke up because of a nice smell. My nose led me to the kitchen and I saw Kirah cooking.

"Pancakes? Pancakes!" I screamed and smiled like an idiot because I loved pancakes.

Kirah smiled back and chuckled. "Jimin, you look really messed up. Go wash up." She continued placing the pancakes on a plate.

I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My hair was a mess, it looked like a nest that was left behind by some agressive birds who were making love.

I washed my face and brushed my hair with my hands. The smell of the pancakes led me again to the kitchen.

I sat down like a kid and waited for my plate. I was still smiling like an idiot and the incident from yesterday seemed far away.

Kirah gave me the plate and I digged in. She sat and looked at me with a smiling face. "Wfhuts wfrong?" I asked with my mouth full.

"You look like a cute kid." She giggled. I finished what was in my mouth and looked seriously at her. "Don't try to call me a kid. I'm older and I don't think I look like a kid right?" I smirked and flexed my muscles.

My veins were showing as well and she stared at my arms. I saw her gulping but then she looked up. "Mr. Grey, you're not the only one with these muscles. I know someone with nice muscles as well." She wiggled her eyebrows while saying this and I gritted my teeth.

Who was that guy she knew? I cleared my throat."I thought you said you don't have guy friends?"

"It's not really a friend. He's my zumba teacher." She said and looked at the clock.

"Am I going to work today?" She asked nervously.

"Of course, and prepare yourself...for the worst." I grinned at her. "We'll leave in 20 minutes, so go change." I said while putting the dishes in the sink.

She went to the dressing room and I hesitated. What if she was changing there? I heard her entering her room and I went to the dressing room. I put on a puma tracksuit and puma shoes.

Just when I wanted to call Kirah she opened her room. "Tadaa, I'm fast right?" She was wearing classic navy pants with white oxford shoes and a white blouse. She was wearing striped socks and I laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" She said and glared at me. "Nah it's nothing. I just like stripes."

I took my carkeys and we left the apartment. "What is our relationship?" Kirah suddenly asked in the lift.

"W..what?" I stuttered. "I mean, we're going to arrive at the same time and we'll leave work together. They are going to ask what our relationship is. I can't tell them we're living together right? They are going to misunderstand."

"Let them misunderstand. We're living together that's it. By the way, my partner already knows so we don't have to hide it." I said and looked at her reaction.

"Okay, if you don't mind, I don't mind as well." We stepped out of the lift and left the building. "Ahh!" I turned around startled and saw Kirah smiling at me. "Sorry, I just tripped."

I sighed and shaked my head. This is going to be a challenge for me.


Kirah will meet Hoseok in the next chapter~~

Thanks for reading!

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