Chapter 9

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I don't pay much attention as Jason fills out paper work to get me out of this hospital. Every now and then he'll tap my shoulder and I'll lean over to sign and date stuff, but for the most part I'm in my own world. Admittedly, I fear the future. What is to become of me? If it weren't for love, I would have left when I had the chance. 

Jason taps my shoulder again and I click my pen, ready to sign on another line, when I realize the paper is gone. 

"You are officially free." Jason says with a smile. I throw my pen at him, winking as I do. He tricked me. I laugh as he catches the pen and draws a heart on the back of my hand. I'm that person where the little things matter. 

"I'm so excited to live with you!" I exclaim, suddenly realizing how superficial that sounds. He gives me a weird look and I internally cringe. I really need to learn how to think before I speak.

"Please don't cry when your bubble bursts. I fully recognize that men are pigs. We leave the toilet seat up. I don't clean my dishes. My room is a mess. Girls clearly are the stupid gender for wanting to live with us men." Jason says, honesty apparent on his face.

"Guess it's a good thing that you are a little boy then." I tease. His jaw drops and he acts like he's hurt by my words, pointing at himself and gasping. Gently I punch his arm and he begins howling in pain. Idiot. Why again do I want to move in with him?

"She's a danger to everybody around her! Get her away from me! Somebody! Anybody!" Jason shouts at the top of his lungs. I lunge at him and surprise him from behind, landing on his back and clamping my hands over his mouth. He moves around, attempting to pry me off of his back but when it doesn't work he freezes. And licks my hands.

"Ewwww!!!! Why would you do that?!" Now I'm the one who's shouting. 

"Instinct?" Jason guesses in between fits of laughter. Rolling my eyes, I refrain from punching him again. That's how I got in this mess in the first place.

"I'm leaving without you!" I call, moving towards the door. Now I'm beginning to see why he warned me.

"But you're my ride home!" He yells back at me.

"Too bad. Maybe this will teach you not to lick peoples hands!" I joke. I know that he is never going to learn though. That is just the kind of person he is. I love him though. Even though he is annoying.

"Maybe this will make it better." Jason's voice is louder now and I turn around to find myself being pulled into him. His kiss is both rough and gentle. It's tender, but firm. When he wants to take the kiss a little farther and I let him before soon joining in on the fun. Who knew this was what it feels like to fall in love? Slowly I pull away.

"Let's get home. If you're lucky, the kiss may transform into something else." I say slyly. Quickly, he bends down and proceeds to throw me onto his back, taking off at a run. I laugh as he holds onto me and kicks open the transporter room door.

"Time to get a princess back to her kingdom... with her prince of course." Jason announces. I move to get off of his back but he holds me in place. After a little more struggling I just lean into him. I have him for a reason. The transporter room technician asks us for names and Jason tells her, showing her my paperwork. Nodding her head she gestures for us to move to a box in the center of the room. Jason carries me over and we step inside.

"So as to avoid a molecule mix-up when you arrive in the apartment, I am going to have to ask you to separate. No hand holding. No touching of any kind. You are two separate entities." The technician tells us. Jason lets me off of his back now but gives me a sad puppy face. "Get over it" I mouth to him. He just gives me another sad face.

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