Waking Up

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Twelve's Pov:

I woke up feeling sick but that feeling slowly went away after I smelt something amazing I tried to get up but noticed something was grabbing me, I turned around and noticed it was Mike he was sleeping and holding my waist, I blushed and tried to get out without waking him up, It didn't work.

Mike's Pov:

I woke up because I felt something tugging on my arms I sat up and rubbed my eyes I noticed I was in bed with Twelve I blushed but tried to hide it so I put my face in my hands Twelve got up and went downstairs I still was laying in my bed, I wanted to stay but something in my mind was forcing me to go downstairs with Twelve. Before Twelve could go on the first step I noticed her jumper was covered in blood, I quickly grabbed her by the waist and carried her to Nancy's room, luckily Nancy was downstairs watching T.V I quickly grabbed out this light pink shirt and some red jeans.

Twelve's Pov: 

I was about to go downstairs when something grabbed me I knew it was Mike so I didn't care. He carried me to Nancy's room and got me some clothes. He then grabbed my hand and led me into the bathroom, he told me to change so I did. *time skip about 1 min* 

I got out of the bathroom dressed in new clothes and I had my old ones in my hands. I went down stairs and I saw Mike eating pancakes with Nancy.

Nancy's Pov:

I was eating some pancakes with syrup when I saw Twelve walk down stairs, I noticed she was wearing my clothes but I didn't care to be honest the clothes didn't fit me anymore anyways. I saw that Mike was looking her up from her head to her toes and he bit his lip, I poked him and did kissy faces, he punched (lightly) and blushed. I got up from my seat and told Twelve to come into my room, she followed me and sat on my bed I got some of the clothes that didn't fit me and put them into a plastic bag. Twelve looked at me smiling and I smiled back I then told her to go downstairs to have breakfast.

Twelve's Pov:

Nancy asked me to follow her and she lead me to her room there she gave me some new clothes, I felt happy that so many people cared about me :)

End of chapter I'm going on a road trip tomorrow so I'll try type some stories in my notes and then paste them here ;-;

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