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Mike's Pov:

I  was at home with Dustin talking about crushes when Nancy came running into the room with a huge cut on her forehead she started screaming "SHES GONE! SHES GONE!" I yelled at Dustin to get a wet cloth, meanwhile he was turning on the tap in the bath room I sat down with Nancy to calm her down.

Dustin's Pov

I was talking with Mike about my crush and I asked him if he liked Twelve he went as red as a tomato and said yes, our personal conversation was interrupted by Nancy dashing (through the snow XD) into Mike's room and she had this HUGE bleeding cut that went from her forehead to the back of her head.

Mike's Pov:

Dustin finally came back with the wet cloth, I gently  placed it on Nancy's fore head and asked her "who's gone?" she replied with "Twel...ve" I could feel tears starting to form my brown eyes I quickly ran out my room and went into the bath room and locked myself in it: I began to think to myself "why..?...Why does the person I love always disappear?" I then thought back to what Eleven did.. what if Twelve was taken by the demogorgon? Or doctor. Brenner? I unlocked the bath room door and went into my room, I told Nancy and Dustin I'll be back soon.

Will's Pov:

I was sitting up in my hospital bed eating chicken nuggets and fries when I noticed that the T.V that was playing cut to a black screen then static then...a girl sitting in a chair in the dark crying, I was in big shock and turned off the T.V I didn't understand what just happened..

TIME SKIP (still Will's Pov:)

I was sleeping peacefully until I felt warm hands shaking me and calling my name "Will...will..WILL WAKE UP!" I shot up from my bed and saw that Mike was holding my orange vest in one hand and a knife in the other I asked him "what is this?" He told me I needed to go, I put on the vest and put the knife in my vest pocket I then proceeded to walk with Mike to my doctor's office, I told him I needed to urgently go somewhere and he let me go.


I just got home from the airport :)))

"Love" - Mike Wheeler x Reader <3Where stories live. Discover now