In the beginning.

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The story begins with a focus on the ancient days,when nature and all wildlife were excitedly waiting for the coming man.The man arrived from the east,and the relationship between nature and man throve. One relationship in particular--that between the Whale Rider and his giant whale --was exemplary of a symbiotic connection .This whale rider casts spears as life-giving objects to the islands,but one spear he casts 1000 years into the future,which is the time of the story's young heroine Kahu.

The focus shifts to herd of whales mother look over their young while the single leader whale -the bull whale-reminisces about his own youth so long ago,and the precious time separation,the nostalgia for their time spent together cuts away at the old bull whale.But then the story shifts to Kahu .The narrator of this period is Rawiri,her uncle.When she is born,her great - grandfather expresses great disdain that she is girl
He is looking for a suitable successor,which according to local culture ought to be passed from eldest child to eldest child.Porourangi,the girl's fathers his eldest grandson so he is the successor for that generation.The problem in Koro's mind,however,is that Porourangi's eldest daughter is now Kahu ,who - because she is female - is not fit to lead according to Koro(Kahu's great - grandfather)

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