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Back home,notes that Koro has become even more obsessed in his mission of finding a male successor.The old man feels himself to be under increasing pressure to teach and preserve the culture knowledge that he and so few others currently possess.As for Kahu,she has returned to stay with her father longer - term.During Rawiri's absence,Porourangi's remarried and his wife had a child:another baby girl.This only upsets Koro more,as he was hoping for a male descendent.Kahu dies not mind all this anger from Koro though,and she continues to fervently seek his love love and acceptance.Towards the end of the year,Kahu invites her family to a school ceremony that will include cultural presentations.Rawiri,Porourangi's and Nanny all attend,but the seat marked "reserved" next to Nanny- a measure Kahu herself had taken to grantee a spot for Koro -remains conspicuously empty throughout the ceremony.Kahu herself plays pominent role in the ceremony.She leads a group of young girls to a traditional dance and also recites a speech wrote in the Maori tongue.Her speech expresses her utmost desire to please her great - grandfather and to uphold the Maori culture.However, the great tragedy of the -event is that Koro never shows up.This brings Kahu to tears😭😭.

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